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Meltwater Release Notes 2024

An overview of the latest features and functionality released in the Meltwater platform.

Cheyenne V. avatar
Written by Cheyenne V.
Updated this week

Meltwater’s Release Notes are designed to keep you up-to-date on the latest happenings within the platform. Each monthly breakdown provides a holistic overview of the latest features and functionality released in the platform.

Check out mCommunity to view releases by product or to subscribe and be notified when a new feature is released.

August 2024

Klear: Demographics Tab in Monitor

The new Demographics tab in Monitor, Klear's hub for competitive influencer intelligence, gives a clear view of the audiences your competitors are reaching. Learn more about Demographics Tab.

Analyze: Coverage Reports

Curating articles for your Coverage Report is easier than ever. Learn more about Creating a Coverage Report.

Engage: Owned Social Connections Onboarding

The workflow for connecting owned social accounts to Meltwater Engage has been upgraded for a more seamless process. It now features a single page for viewing and making connections, along with support for bulk connecting social accounts. Learn more about the Onboarding Workflow.

Klear: Monitor: Competitive Intelligence for Influencer Marketing

With Monitor, you can track influencer activity across one or multiple brands to learn from their successes and challenges and refine your approach to boost impact. Learn more about Monitor in Klear.

Klear: Centralized Connect Inbox

This all-in-one space allows you to respond, send new messages, and take action across all interactions within your network. Learn more about Connect Inbox.

Explore: Noise-Reducing News Category Filters

Reduce "noise" in your results so that you can limit inflated article counts and unlock focused media monitoring. Learn more about Filtering News Results.

Engage: Post Previews Scale Based on Video's Aspect Ratio

Learn more about the All-In-One Tab.

Engage: Post Metrics Breakdown Insight in Social Dashboards

Track and benchmark performance over time with aggregated totals for post-level metrics. Available for Measure’s cross-channel & social channel-specific overview templates. Learn more about Cross- Channel Overview Templates.

July 2024

Klear: Save Unauthenticated Instagram Stories To Multiple Campaigns At Once

If you are tracking Instagram stories from unauthenticated influencers in multiple campaigns, you can add and save the media to all campaigns at once. Learn more about Tracking Instagram Stories From Unauthenticated Influencers.

Klear: Competitive Intelligence for Influencer Marketing (Monitor)

Monitor is the go-to hub in Klear to do competitive influencer intelligence. With Monitor, you can track influencer activity across one or multiple brands to learn from their successes and challenges and refine your approach to boost impact. Each landscape includes a dashboard with an Overview and a Content Tab. Learn more about Klear Competitive Intelligence (Monitor).

Explore: Author List Increase

Now add up to 25,000 authors in an author list (previously 5,000). Learn more about Using Author Lists in Explore.

Newsletters: Convert Between Automated and Manual Newsletters

Once you create a template design you like, you can repurpose it for consistency and convenience. Now, you no longer have to rebuild a template to use it for a different type of Newsletter. Learn more about Newsletters.

Explore: Home Page Updated and New Chat Pop-Up Warning

A new navigation places the AI Search Assistant next to Keyword search and Advanced search in Explore to streamline the search creation process. Learn more about Getting Started with Explore.

Explore: Added Content Mapping

Added Content will now show up in Explore Searches and reflect Editorial Publication’s name instead of the phrase “Added Content” in Analyze charts. Additionally, by default, the source name, source ID, outlet type, source format will be overwritten. Learn more about Adding Content.

Newsletters: New Template + Subsections

Add Subsections to your Newsletters to better organize content and news coverage. Learn more about Adding Subsections to Your Newsletters.

Klear: Export Deliverables

Once you’ve added an influencer to a campaign, you can assign deliverables and designate the number of posts and which network they should be posted on. Learn more about Creating, Editing, and Managing Deliverables.

Engage: ‘All-in-one’ Tab Publisher with an Integrated Video Editor and Enhanced Thumbnail Support for Link Previews

Simplify switching between channels, enabling users to easily make channel-specific edits and customizations. Learn more about Posting to Your Social Profiles.

Engage: 14 New Insights Added to Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn Overview Dashboards

New metrics have been added across the Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn Overview Dashboards. Learn more about Measure.

Klear: Social Engagement Rate in Member Export CSV

Select specific columns to customize what influencer information is included in your Members CSV export, now also including engagement rate across Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok.

Klear: Send Mass Email To Segmented Outreach Recipients and Recruit Applicants

Klear: Reporting Setting For Expired Unauthenticated Instagram Stories

You now have the ability to update your reporting preferences for expired stories in your account settings. Learn more about Tracking Instagram Stories from Unauthenticated Influencers.

Klear: Complete Connect Action History in Campaigns

View the complete history of all Connect actions taken in campaigns for all influencers.

Explore: Insert Image in AI Search Assistant

The AI Search Assistant can create a search based on an uploaded image. This can help query creators come up with descriptors and entity names as they appear in images, reducing the need for knowledge of a specific scene, celebrity, or location. Learn more about the AI Search Assistant.

Explore: Case Sensitive Operator

The Case Sensitive Operator lets users search using specific casing (uppercase, lowercase, or a mix). This helps users find mentions of the brand Apple amongst all the mentions of the term "apple". Learn more about The Complete Boolean Library.

Explore: Drill-down in Topic Wheel

The Topic Wheel shows three levels of topics and sub-topics. Click on a topic to expand the sub-topics and drill-down into the data for a more focused data review. Learn more about The Topic Wheel.

Explore: Improved Export Options

We’ve added a new template with better formatted fields including localizations, and the option to export in Excel. Learn more about the Popular Fields & Metrics Template.

Klear: Influencer Communication History in Relationship View in Campaigns

Your complete communication history with each influencer is now available through the Relationship tab, including communications from both email and Klear messages.

Klear: Twitch Added as Social Network in Recruit Application Forms

You can now add Twitch as a requested social network in Recruit application forms. This will allow you to gather the Twitch profiles of influencers interested in working with your brand. Learn more about Recruit.

Radarly: Discord Integration

Mid-Year Releases 2024

Social Listening and Consumer Intelligence

Social Media Management

Influencer Marketing

Public Relations Suite

June 2024

Media Relations: Reimagined Media List Management

Elevate your approach to media relations with Media Lists, designed to streamline contact management like never before. On the Overview page you'll find additional tabs for Journalists, Newsdesks (coming soon!) and all Private Contacts. Streamline your media research and outreach efforts with customizable table columns. Learn more about Managing Media Lists with Labels, Merging, and Comparison Tools.

Analyze: Compare to Same Time Period Last Year

Use the new date range selections in select comparison insights to select time periods other than the previous period and compare a campaign period to the same time period last year. Learn more about Analyze Dashboards.

Note: This is available for Total Mentions Comparison, Total Potential Editorial Reach Comparison, and Average Sentiment. Previously, these comparison insights could only compare to the preceding matched time period.

API: Tag Filtering for Posts & Metrics in Social Analytics API

Fetch posts and related metrics based on the tags applied in Engage. For example, if you’ve tagged posts for individual campaigns, you can now pull posts and post metrics for these campaigns.

Note: You need access to the Meltwater API, plus Engage or Social Analytics features in the Meltwater application to filter tags.

Workspaces: Assign Read-Only Access in Workspaces

Get to the most relevant materials unique to your Workspace with Read-Only Searches, Custom Categories, and Author Lists. Navigate Meltwater and get to your daily work without scrolling through other teams' assets. Learn more about Workspaces.

Monitor: Auto-refresh, featuring Near-Real-time new Document Indicators

Automatically load the newest mentions in Monitor at a chosen interval. When new articles appear, you’ll find indicators to guide you to where those new mentions have appeared. Learn more about Setting Up Monitor.

Klear: Track Instagram Stories From Unauthenticated Influencers

Klearwater customers (with both Klear + Engage) can now leverage owned connections in Engage to track and report on Instagram Stories from unauthenticated influencers in their Klear campaigns. Learn more about Tracking Instagram Stories from Unauthenticated Influencers Using Engage.

Klear: Product Gifting For Any Influencer

Send a gift to any influencer in your campaigns without sending a campaign invite or requiring them to create a Klear account. Learn more about Sending Gifts to Influencers in Your Campaign.

Klear: Active Campaigns Filter in My Influencers

Manage your influencer and creator relationships through Klear’s IRM (influencer relationship management) experience. Learn more about Creating Targeted Lists.

Explore: Visualization Switcher for Content Clusters Widget

Content clusters use our advanced AI summarization technology to group semantically similar content across news and social conversations into their discernible themes. These are news themes or conversation topics that might otherwise go unnoticed by humans due to lack of time, cognitive bias, or simply missing them. Learn more about Using Content Clusters in Explore.

Analyze: Schedule Reports, Discover the Content Measured in Top-level Metrics

Schedule your Dashboard to be sent to you at a preferred interval. Discover it in your inbox weekly or monthly. Learn more about Scheduling Reports.

May 2024

Klear: Extended Post Metrics in Influencer Content Tab

The Content tab in influencer profiles helps you understand the type of content an influencer creates, which posts perform well, the brands they mention, and their general content aesthetic/expertise. Learn more about Extended Metrics.

Explore: AI Search Assistant

The AI Search Assistant is an LLM-powered chatbot trained on Meltwater’s boolean syntax. It helps users generate brand and industry searches, expand or narrow searches, repair boolean errors, and translate searches!

The AI Search Assistant helps the average user write high-quality searches faster and with less hassle, leading to more accurate results and time for making data-driven decisions. Learn more about the AI Search Assistant.

Engage: Social Account Groups

Create custom collections of owned social accounts and users, for easy access when running reports and scheduling content. Learn more about Grouping Your Owned Social Accounts.

Engage: Download Publishing Calendar as PDF

Print your Engage Publishing Calendar as a PDF. Learn more about Using the Publish Calendar.

Author Segments/Explore: Select All Authors

Bulk select authors to add to an author list. Rather than adding each author one by one, users can now add up to 5,000 authors to a list in bulk. Learn more about Using Author Lists.

Analyze: Key Message Penetration for Insight Reports - New AI-powered Slide

Understand how your chosen key messages are performing alongside your brand.

  • We use AI to analyze a sample of the articles with the highest reach to provide a breakdown illustrating how your brand's key messages are highlighted in the articles and assess whether the intended positioning was effectively communicated.

  • Use the Key Message Penetration slide to evaluate the success of your brand messaging.

Clickable links to open an example article representing that coverage, ensures you have a check for final validation. By surfacing this capability in PR Insight Reports and allowing you to apply final customizations, you can reinvest the time saved towards presenting the report to your team. Learn more about Available Insights for PR Insights Reports.

Engage + Klear: Influencer Generate Content (IGC)

With Klear campaigns, you’ll unlock the full potential of your influencer investment by tapping into Influencer Generated Content (IGC). Repurposing established content from influencers can amplify audience engagement and maintain the coherence of your strategy across owned and influencer posts. Learn more about Generated Content.

Engage + Klear: Influencer Marketing Measurement Dashboard

Measure KPIs across owned social media and influencer campaigns in one place with comprehensive metrics and data visualizations to better understand your influencer campaign results from Klear. Learn more about the Influencer Campaign Dashboard.

Analyze: Earned Media Measurement Report Template

The Earned Media Measurement report template can be created with the same design and content customization as the first 4 report templates (Coverage, Campaign, Brand, and Benchmark). Learn more about Creating an Earned Media Measurement Dashboard.

Newsletters: May Newsletter Bundle

  • Easily display or hide social share icons directly on your articles in the Newsletter

  • Add a branded touch to your Newsletter by adding hyperlinks to your organization's social media channels in the footer.

  • Now you can easily choose the most impactful syndicated article, not just the latest one, when adding stories to your newsletter.

Learn more about Newsletters.

Klear: Bulk Actions in Recruit

You can still review applicants manually and then select multiple influencers and creators and take action at once rather than one by one. Bulk actions include approving, declining, adding to a campaign, tagging, or sending a mass email (when approving or declining). Learn more about Taking Actions on Recruit Applicants.

Explore Red Wavy Lines Under Boolean Errors

The Advanced Boolean editor enhancements for Explore allow users to more efficiently edit boolean queries by adding support for highlighting keywords such as operators, numbers, strings, and parentheses, and separate lines for easier organization of larger, complex strings. Red squiggles appear below the first error in boolean expressions (Keyword and Advanced). Learn more about The Complete Boolean Library.

Explore: Top Keywords and Entities - The "Everything" Cloud

Top Keywords and Entities, aka the 'Everything' Cloud, is an updated version of the Top

Keywords word cloud widget on the Overview, Topic Analysis, and X Insights tabs of Explore. This new widget has been expanded to feature six more word types, including Hashtags, Products, People, Organizations, Locations, Emojis, and Keywords. Learn more about The Everything Cloud.

Engage: Hover Hints & Top Posts Increase from 150 -> 1,000 Posts

All new hover hints with post type and timezone, Top Posts increase

from 150 > 1000 posts, and new Plays metric for IG that includes replays to match the native platform. Learn more about Dashboard Metrics.

Engage: DALL-E Image Generator v3

Powered by OpenAI’s GPT-3 technology, DALL-E takes user-generated text prompts to

instantly create unique images. DALL-E can be found via the media uploader in Publish, Asset Library, & Conversations to create one-of-a-kind AI-generated images in Engage. Learn more about How to Use DALL-E in Publish, Conversations, and Asset Library.

Engage: Rules-based Automation for Fan Messages in Conversations

A customizable rules engine to automatically take actions on inbound fan messages in Engage - Conversations. Create unique rules to auto-tag, modify sentiment, or even hide fan messages on your social accounts, all triggered by the presence, or absence, of specific keyword. Learn more about Rules-based Automation.

April 2024

Analyze: Coverage Report Template

Aimed at plugging a longstanding hole in Meltwater’s earned media reporting toolkit with the goals of expediting the reporting process and increasing the visual appeal of reports for campaigns, issues and specific time periods. Learn more about Coverage Reports.

Meltwater API: New Fields and Improved Metadata for JSON Exports and Streams

This new template is more readable, logical, and is consistent across export and streaming features, includes new fields to remove barriers for common use cases, and addresses long-running customer feedback, such as confusing source names and

content types.

Engage: Media Attachment Validation Improvements + 4 New Error Messages

While Engage boasts a 99% successful publish rate, there is always room to improve

publishing for the 1% that fail. That’s why, we’ve completely overhauled our media validation process in Engage to better match native channel requirements and limitations. Learn more about Channel Specific Options and Error Messages.

Engage: Instagram Collab Posts

A dynamic fusion of creativity where two or more creators come together to craft a Feed Post or Reel, seamlessly shared on each collaborator's profile simultaneously. Learn more about Instagram Collab Posts.

Smart Alerts: Follow a Post for Facebook and Reddit

Follow a post directly from the content stream or every mention alert email! Every time that post then receives a new reply, repost, or quote, get notified. Now for Reddit and Facebook. Learn more about Smart Alerts.

Klear: Edit Influencer Deliverables

Edit and manage your existing deliverables across multiple views in the Manage module of your campaign, which includes a visual Campaign Calendar view. Learn more about Editing Influencer Deliverables.

Newsfeeds: Updated Look and Feel + Faster Loading Times

Newsfeeds are still the best way to republish content found in Meltwater to a public website. We've updated Newsfeeds to make it even easier to use and navigate! You'll also notice faster loading times so you can refocus on PR efforts. Learn more about Newsfeeds.

PR Insight Reports: New AI-Powered Theme Analysis Slide

The theme analysis slide categorizes the top 100 articles sorted by reach into up to 5 themes, displayed in a pie chart. Learn more about Available Insights on PR Insight Reports.

Alerts: Insights & AI-Powered Insights on Sentiment Shift Alerts

Spike Detection and Sentiment Shift alerts have been updated to include an

AI-powered insight explanation of the alert. Learn more about Smart Alerts.

March 2024

Analyze: Introducing Dashboard Templates

Build comprehensive earned media Dashboards quickly, with new Dashboard templates. Choose from a selection of templates pre-loaded with insights. Learn more about Types of Dashboards.

Meltwater: Add Content Update including a Realtime Status Check

Capture more content by adding it in the modernized "Add Content" page, directly tag it or add to an existing search with a real-time status check so you know when the URL has been added. Learn more about Adding Content to Meltwater.

Engage: Updates to Facebook Metrics and Historical Data

Historical data for Facebook across Conversations, Publish, and Measure for as long as

you are a customer. Learn more about Updated Facebook Metrics and Data.

Klear: Customize My Influencers Using New Social Stats

You can now display crucial metrics such as reach and engagement on priority platforms to help make more informed decisions when evaluating your network and planning collaborations. Learn more about Managing Your Influencer Network.

Klear: Manage Account Attributes

Stay organized with one place to access and manage all of your tags, email templates, custom variables, and campaign labels through the new Attributes tab located in account settings. Learn more about Managing Your Attributes.

Radarly: Image-based Search

Go beyond text-based keywords to fuel your data set: capture image-based content in your project using logo and celebrity recognition from X (formerly Twitter) and Reddit

Analyze: Data Density

Use the new data density option to adjust how data is displayed over time within a chart by choosing to see your data broken down by hourly, daily, weekly or monthly. Learn more about Data Density.

Analyze: Manually Adjust Advertising Value Equivalency (AVE)

You can now choose which local currency you would like to display when calculating AVE (Advertising Value Equivalency) in Dashboards and customize the conversion (attribution rate). Learn more about Custom AVE.

Meltwater: Highest Syndicated Reach

The article with the highest reach is now surfaced on the top article in a duplicate set. Understand which article likely had the highest impact measured by reach at-a-glance and action it without having to expand to see duplicates. Learn more about Highest Syndicated Reach.

Meltwater: Sensitive Content Warning in Image

Be warned if the content might not be suitable. For PR and Marketing pros in high-risk industries or those prone to large amounts of spam, content with sensitive content like violence or NSFW images can be automatically blurred. Learn more about Possibly Sensitive Content.

Explore: Boolean Syntax

Write boolean faster with the new ability to add any combinators (AND/OR/NEAR/ONEAR, etc) within an operator. Example below:

  • Old way: ingress:“Solar energy” OR ingress:“Solar power” OR ingress:“Photovoltaic” OR…

  • New way: ingress:(“Solar energy” OR “Solar power” OR “Photovoltaic” OR “Solar panels”)

Learn more about Boolean.

Explore: Keyword Search Keyboard and Mouse Navigations

Save time by easily modifying your keyword searches with new keyboard navigation and drag-and-drop.

  • Improved Keyboard Navigation

    • Tab on keyboard to move left to right between boxes

    • Shit+Tab to move right to left

    • Use arrow keys to shift through dropdown options (i.e. company search)

    • Delete inputs with backspace

  • Improved Mouse Interaction

    • Drag and drop inputs between boxes

    • Inputs have ‘remove’ as an immediate action

Engage: Measure - List View Includes Image Previews, Post Date, and Post Type

The Top Posts' List view is a grid-style view, prominently displaying post metrics in columns that now include image previews, post date, and post type. Learn more about Dashboard Features in Measure.

Engage: Custom Thumbnail Uploads for Facebook Video and Instagram Reels

Select custom thumbnails for your Facebook Video and Instagram Reels through Engage. Learn more about Custom Thumbnails in Facebook and Instagram.

Author Segments: URL Dashboard

Create an Author Segments input dashboard based on the authors who reposted or replied to an individual post on X (formerly Twitter). Learn more about Author Segments Dashboards.

Klear: My Influencers - Activity Filter Now Includes 'In Active Campaigns"

The Activity filter has changed from "Added to Campaign" to "In Active Campaigns," making your database more current and up-to-date. You will no longer see influencers appearing who you added to a campaign and later deleted. Learn more about In Active Campaigns.

Klear: Suggested Topics in Discovery

Suggested Topics is a new section on the Discovery homepage, including a list of twelve topic search prompts personalized just for you. Suggested Topics uses AI to evaluate your brand/service to compile personalized suggestions to enhance the discovery. Learn more about Suggested Topics.

Radarly: Video Analysis Available for Instagram

You are now able to analyze all videos coming from Instagram in addition to the ones from X (formerly Twitter).

Klear: Add Attachments to Emails

Add attachments to all emails sent in Klear. Previously, attachments were only available when sending Klear messages. But now, image, video, or PDF attachments can be included in the following email communications. Learn more about Sending Email Outreach in Klear.

  • Mass email

  • Individual email

  • Campaign invites

  • Individual Recruit (approve or decline) response emails

Engage: Product Tagging for Instagram Images

Tag products directly from your Instagram product shop. Learn more about Instagram Photo Tagging.

Author Segments: Baseline Search in Compare

Unlock deeper insights and refine strategic decisions with the enhanced Compare dashboard builder featuring two new baseline Search options: Country baseline and Segment baseline. Seamlessly compare up to five countries or segments side-by-side, or explore the overlap and differences between two selections. Learn more about Author Segments.

Analyze: Upload Image from Files

Upload an image directly into your Dashboard to display your brand, the Dashboard’s initiative, use case, or apply it to your slide background in Dashboard Reports. Learn more about Uploading Images into Dashboards.

Analyze: Remove Words from Word Cloud

Remove repeated words or irrelevant words in Insights that use the word cloud visualization and hover over the word cloud options to see which words have been removed. Learn more about Removing Words from Word Clouds.

February 2024

Measure: Top Posts List View

The Top Posts widget on all templates has been upgraded to include a new view: List. This view is a grid style view, prominently displaying post metrics in columns for easy consumption. Learn more about Dashboard Metrics in Measure.

Explore: Introducing the Chinese Social Listening

A new Explore tab for surfacing channel-specific insights about Chinese Social Listening conversations, with widgets covering volume by post type, engagement trends, location data, online behavior, and more.

Radarly: Visual Analytics Searching in Explore now with X (formerly Twitter)

Visual enrichments are a major leap forward in AI-powered analytics, allowing you to gain insights about your brand in non-verbal/non-textual content posted on news, blogs, Reddit, and now X!

Smart Alerts: Follow a Post from the Content Stream

You can now follow an post, directly from the content stream! Every time that post then receives a new reply, repost, or quote, get notified. Learn more about Following a Post.

Klear: Planning Mode in Campaigns

Planning mode in campaign management (formerly called Deliverables) now includes a new Demographics view for access and insight into the audience your campaign will reach. The three views in Planning mode now include: Deliverables (campaign calendar), Predictive, and Demographics. Learn more about Campaign Planning Mode.

Klear: New Ways To Send Mass Email

Send Mass Email Outreach directly from Discovery search results or My Influencers database instead of only being able to initiate through Recruit. Learn more about Scaling Outreach in Klear.

Reporting: Renaming Exposure and Volume to Mentions

Your PR Insight Reports will now refer to Exposure and Volume as Mentions to match the measurement in Analyze and Explore. Learn more about PR Insight Reports.

Analyze: Total Insights in Dashboards

With total insights, you can now see the aggregated volume in one number for either, total reach, social echo, potential social reach, or AVE for selected inputs. These allow key stakeholders to understand key metrics for a dedicated time period at a glance. Learn more about Total Insights.

Analyze: Date Range Selections

We've now added four common reporting intervals to avoid the need to select a custom date when reporting on earned media. Select from new date ranges such as Last Week, Last Month, Last Quarter, and Last 365 Days (replacing 'Last Year'). Learn more about Date Range Selections.

Newsletter: Introducing Newsletter (New!)

Our Newsletters Solution has received a glow-up. Newsletters now have a fresh and modern design, more intuitive workflow, modern layouts, advanced editing capabilities, extensive customization tools, and branding options that you can create and manage effortlessly. Learn more about Newsletters (New!).

Measure: Top Posts: Sorting, Resizing, Impressions and Reach

The Top Post widgets in Measure dashboards now include a Sort By option (i.e. Comments, Shares, etc.), the ability to expand to feature more rows of top posts, and impressions and reach metrics below each applicable post. Learn more about Measure.

Explore: Drill Into Any Metric in Compare

Click on any word line, or chart to open a new content stream to the right of your screen, that automatically filters for only those results related to what was clicked. Learn more about How to Use Compare.

Klear: Set Default Tracking Keywords

Set Default Campaign Tracking Keywords to apply the same tracking keywords to all of your campaigns moving forward. Setting default tracking keywords is optional. If you will be tracking different keywords across your campaigns, it’s suggested that you still configure keywords separately for each campaign.

Klear: Manage Your Influencer Network & Relationship

Use your My Influencers database as your go-to place to access your entire influencer network and run targeted searches. Leverage new metrics that put the power in your hands to customize your view. And now, each influencer’s Relationship tab (formerly Manage) details your complete history with each individual.

Klear: Vet Influencer Content Using Topic Filters

Use the new Content Filters in influencer profiles to see the key topics areas an influencer

posts about most. Then, view the posts within each category to evaluate their expertise,

quality, and engagement. Learn more about Filtering Influencer Content by Topic.

Klear: Bulk Select Influencers in Discovery

Select multiple influencers from search results to bulk tag or add them to a campaign instead of one by one. Before, tags could only be applied individually, and you could only add influencers to a campaign in bulk when selecting all Top 50 influencers.

January 2024

Alerts: Follow a Post

Follow an X (formerly Twitter) post, directly from an every mentions alert email. Every time that post receives a new reply, repost, or quote, you will be notified. This will help you in both traditionally negative and positive cases. Learn more about Follow a Post.

Reporting: Estimated Views

Approximate the number of times an average article from a publication has been viewed. This is accomplished by dividing a publication’s monthly page views by the number of articles it published in a given month. Additional logic is applied to eliminate outliers. Learn more about Estimated Views.

Analyze: Share of Voice by Engagement Insights

Shows a comparison of share of voice between your selected inputs, based upon the engagement across news, social media and other source types. Can compare up to 25 inputs. Learn more about Share of Voice Inputs.

Tags: Tag Up to 1,000 Articles (up from 500)

We've doubled the max number of tagged documents in the content stream for Monitor, Author, Segments, Explore, Analyze, and Media Relations. Now, you can tag a maximum of 1,000 articles or posts, up from 500. Learn more about How To Use Tags To Get Organized.

Analyze: More Inputs per SOV Insight in Dashboards:

Discover more comprehensive benchmarking by Share of Voice when comparing up to 25 inputs for a combined Insight instead of separating across multiple Insights. Learn more about Share of Voice Inputs.

Engage: Instagram Photo Tagging

Tag brands, celebrities, and influencers or give UGC credit through photo tags directly from Engage to expand your post's reach, create a sleek look, and encourage user engagement and interactions. Learn more about Instagram Photo Tagging.

Engage: Custom Thumbnail for Reels

Choose a custom thumbnail for your Instagram Reels through the Instagram channel-specific composer. Select from one of the five frames automatically populated from the uploaded video, or upload a custom thumbnail. Learn more about Custom Thumbnails for Reels.

Klear: Similar Influencers

Previously the Network tab, the Similar Influencers tab is enriched to surface more relevant matches for easier discovery. Featuring a targeted list of influencers who have posted content similar to the influencer you are reviewing. Learn more about Similar Influencers.

Workspaces: Custom Categories, Filter Sets, and Author Lists

Introducing the ability for admin users to decide if Custom Categories, Filter Sets, and Author Lists should be private to a Workspace, or shared across the larger organization. Learn more about Workspaces.

Engage: User Generated Content (UGC) via Explore in the Engage Asset Library

Discover Content allows users to search for and find user-generated content (UGC) via your saved Explore searches. Both the content media and text can then be used within Publish for content ideation. Learn more about Discover Content.

Reporting: Mentions by Media Type in Insight Reports

Introducing a new slide for PR Insight Report users: Mentions by Media Type. This showcases metrics across news media types; TV, radio, online news and print news. Learn more about creating PR Insight Reports.

Media Relations: Limited Profile Type

Introducing a new Profile Type discoverable in Media Relations: Limited Profiles. Previously, profiles for journalists or other contacts that we considered inactive were not shown in Media Relations, nor were their profiles accessible. Limited profiles can be found in Meltwater in exact searches or when viewing older content. Learn more about Profile Types within Media Relations.

Media Monitoring Tagging: Faster Performance with Light-Speed Tagging

As part of our continuous efforts to improve speed and performance across the Meltwater app, we’re introducing faster tagging in content streams found in Monitor, Author Segments, Explore, Analyze, and Media Relations.

Engage: Mixed Media Support for Instagram Carousel Posts

Create, schedule, and publish Instagram carousels in Publish, now with the ability to support Mixed Media (i.e. photo and video together). Learn more about How to Create a Carousel Post in Instagram.

Klear: Influencer Suggestions Right In Your Inbox

Klear provides AI powered Suggested Influencers directly on the homepage. We've made it even easier to access and review curated recommendations with a Suggested Influencers Weekly Email that goes straight to your email inbox.

Analyze: Top Journalists

Introducing two new insights now available in Dashboards:

  • Top Journalists by Volume

  • Top Journalists by Reach

Top Journalists shows you which journalists have been covering your brand, competitors, or topic of interest. With this insight, you can understand the impact of your media coverage, or research journalists for future outreach. Learn more about using Analyze and additional Insights via Insights Catalog.

Klear: Access & Request Data From My Influencers Database

Two new updates to My Influencers in the Profiles module makes it easier to view and request important data on your influencers from one centralized place:

  • Customize Table View with Campaign Performance: Customize the information displayed in the Table View, now including Campaign Performance data. Add columns to display aggregated metrics for total Campaign Posts, Engagements, Reach, and EMV.

  • Two New Action Options: Get TikTok Demographics and Fetch Email Addresses have been added to the Actions drop-down within My Influencers.

Klear: Refine Your Discovery Search Results with the New Exclude Filter

Use the Exclude Filter to remove influencers already in your network (through tags and campaigns) from appearing in Discovery search results.

💡 Tip

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