The Overview tab gives a general understanding of the search results using different widgets. Check out each widget explained below:
Mentions Trend & Spike Detection & Analysis
This widget provides an aggregate trend of activity across all sources for each day in your selected date range. If the date range is fewer than 7 days, Explore shows an hourly breakdown in the widget.
Total Mentions: This provides a total volume of all mentions from all sources in your selected date range. It also includes the delta trend, which tells you the percentage change in volume over the previous time frame.
Daily Average: This provides an average of volume of all mentions from all sources in your selected date range, as shown below. Average volume per day is a useful benchmark and can help spot unusual spikes in volume. It also includes the delta trend, which tells you the percentage change in volume over the previous time frame.
To see the number of mentions on a specific date within your selected date range, hover your mouse cursor over that point in the widget. To drill down to a specific date, simply click that point in the widget. A popup will appear on the right-hand side of your screen with results from the specific date selected.
Spike Detection and Analysis: To perform spike detection and analysis, you will see a Lightbulb Icon indicating a spike within the Mentions Trend widget, click on the lightbulb to view insights.
Learn more about Using Spike Detection and Analysis.
Content Clusters
This widget uses a proprietary AI to cluster related search results based on topic similarity and generates summaries for the cluster content. This helps by highlighting the most relevant content, quickly organizing similar stories, and summarizing the main points. Source types include News, Blogs, X (formerly Twitter), and Reddit.
Each cluster can consist of any combination of News, Blogs, Tweets, and Reddit content.
Learn more about Using Content Clusters.
AI-Powered Content Clusters
The bubble visualization for AI-Powered Content Clusters combines related search results based on topic similarity, organizing similar stories together in an easily readable format.
Using a proprietary AI, Meltwater clusters related search results based on topic similarity and generates summaries for the cluster content. This helps by highlighting the most relevant content, quickly organizing similar stories, and summarizing the main points.
Each cluster can consist of any combination of News and Blog content. If social content on X or Reddit shares a link to one of the documents contained within the cluster, we retrieve it as additional context to the story.
Clusters are grouped together, color-coded, and scaled to size. Each cluster consists of an AI-generated summary of all articles in the cluster. This is displayed in the center of the cluster. Hover on the cluster to expand the summary.
Click the outermost circle (in this example, the light pink circle), to open the slide-out tray featuring all articles related to the cluster.
Top Keywords and Entities - The 'Everything' Cloud
This widget features six more word types, including Hashtags, Products, People, Organizations, Locations, Emojis, and Keywords.
Words are color-coded by type:
Keyword - dark blue
Hashtag - light blue
Product - green
Person - purple
Organization - pink
Location - yellow
Emoji - emoji color
Word size in the cloud is dependent on the frequency of results. The more occurrences of the word, the larger it appears in the cloud.
Hover over any item in the cloud to see the total number of occurrences.
Click on the legend to include/exclude word types from displaying in the cloud. When excluding items, the cloud will dynamically re-fill with items from the other still-selected types, by occurrences.
Everything selected:
Only Location and Emoji selected:
Top Locations
This widget shows the distribution of mentions according to the country in which the user posted the mention.
Hover over a specific country to see the number of occurrences. Click on the country to see all mentions from that country.
You can also narrow this down to the top State/Province or City by selecting the dropdown beside 'Country' in the upper right-hand corner of the widget.
This widget shows the overall tonality of mentions in your results. Sentiment is derived from our natural language processing algorithms. A mention's sentiment will either be rated Positive, Neutral, Negative, or Not Rated. A mention will be labeled as Not Rated if it does not have enough text to analyze sentiment.
To drill down by sentiment, click on a sentiment type, and it will apply the sentiment filter to the query.
Learn more about How Sentiment is Assigned.
Note: YouTube data is excluded from these visualizations per their policies. Each widget can be exported by selecting the 'Download" Icon, Download CSV in the upper right-hand corner of each individual widget.
Learn more about other Explore Widgets:
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