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Approving Content Deliverables
Cheyenne V. avatar
Written by Cheyenne V.
Updated over 5 months ago

During campaigns, it can be beneficial to review influencer content prior to posting. Whether you are supporting a product launch or raising awareness for a specific initiative, a content approval process helps you and the influencer align prior to content going live.

Klear empowers your influencers by allowing them to submit content for approval. This content can be reviewed by you and other stakeholders, who can then offer feedback to the influencers. This guide will walk you through the process of viewing submitted content, approving or declining it, and providing feedback on your influencers' content.

This article will cover:


Before you move forward, make sure Content Approval is enabled in the campaign brief to allow influencers to submit content. It's recommended to clearly communicate your content approval expectations in the campaign brief, and you can also set specific deadlines for influencers to submit their content.

Viewing Submitted Content

To view content that has been submitted by your influencers for approval, follow these steps:

  1. From your Campaign in Klear, navigate to the Connect tab

  2. Select Content Approval

  3. Here you will see three sections

    1. Pending: This is where you can review and submit feedback for content that hasn’t yet been sent back to the influencer. Select Pending to review content for submission.

    2. Approved: Previously approved content.

    3. Declined: Previously declined content.

  4. Once you are in the Pending section, you will be able to see all pending content on the left. From this screen, you can see both videos and images submitted by your influencers, where they intend to post this content, and their proposed caption.

Note: The file size for content uploads is 1GB.

Providing Feedback

  1. Using the steps from Viewing Submitted Content, navigate to the Pending section of Content Approval.

  2. If you have provided collaborator access to this campaign, any feedback they have submitted for content will be displayed on the right hand side. This is not visible to the influencer and is intended to help you formulate your response to the influencer.

  3. In the message box at the bottom, you are able to write your feedback for the influencer as well as provide either an approval or a decline. Please note this is not a publishing tool so the influencer will need to then post any approved content themselves.

  4. The influencer will receive your feedback both as a message in Connect as well as an email to the email associated with their Klear account.

Best Practices

Content approval is most commonly used to review potentially problematic content that an influencer might post but here are a few ways that clients use Content Approval:

  • Ensure that posts, especially Stories that expire, contain the necessary tracking keywords to be automatically tracked in your Klear campaign

  • Ensure that posts include the full scope of the messaging agreed upon

  • Using the collaborator portal, you are able to include additional stakeholders or clients in the approval process so there are no surprises once posted

💡 Tip

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