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Klear: Competitive Intelligence (Monitor)

Monitor is the go-to hub in Klear to do competitive influencer intelligence.

Cheyenne V. avatar
Written by Cheyenne V.
Updated over 3 months ago

Track influencer activity across one or multiple brands to learn from their successes and challenges. With Monitor, you can configure landscapes to monitor different brands. In each landscape, a dashboard will include an Overview, Content, and Demographics Tab with interactive charts, data, and insights to gain learnings and impact strategy.

This article will cover:

Creating a Landscape

To create a landscape in Klear, follow these steps:

  1. In the search bar, enter a brand name or Instagram handle

  2. Click Analyze

  3. Review the data on the selected brands, or continue adding up to four more brands for extended analysis

    Note: If a brand does not appear in the drop-down, you can add it to Monitor by typing in the brand’s Instagram handle and clicking “Add [handle] as a brand”. It will be available in Monitor ~1 hour after it has been added. Only Instagram Business accounts can be added to Monitor.

  4. Click the Star in the right-hand corner to save your landscape

Understanding the Overview Tab

Once you select your brand(s), you’ll have a full page of interactive charts and insights ready to use.

Note: there will be some variation in charts and displays if you are looking at a single brand vs. comparing multiple brands. Including:

Performance Overview: aggregated key metrics for across Instagram and TikTok including the number of influencers, posts, engagements, reach, and EMV.

  1. Use the toggles in the top right-hand corner to filter the data and look at specific social networks

  2. Hover over the numbers and bars to see the full breakdown

Single Brand View:

Metrics Overview: the same key metrics in the performance overview, but in an interactive and visually digestible bar chart to easily identify who's the leader across your competitive set.

  1. Hover over the bar to see the metrics breakdown, or use the checkboxes on the bottom to look at specific brands

Metrics Over Time: trend lines showing influencer content across time to identify if campaigns are steady throughout the year or if there's an uptick during specific months.

  1. Use the Metrics drop-down to switch your view from Posts, Engagements, Reach, and EMV.

Note: Single-brand landscapes will display trend lines with a bar chart.

Content Analysis: A bubble chart displaying the top topics influencers post about when mentioning these brands. Powered by AI and visual analysis to categorize influencer posts in key topic areas.

  1. Hover over a topic to see how many brands are mentioned (if applicable) in the topic and how many posts are included.

  2. Click into a specific bubble and dive deeper to find engaging niche topics in that category

  3. Hover a specific bubble to see example posts matching that topic

Audience Demographics: Compare gender, average age, and top country to determine whether you're targeting the same audience or uncovering potential market opportunities. For landscapes with a single brand, the top skills will also be displayed.

Understanding the Content Tab

A feed-style view of all the posts powering the data in the overview tab.

  1. Use the content topic filter buttons to explore more targeted posts. When clicking on each main topic filter, additional sub-topic buttons will appear to dive even deeper to explore niche topics and influencer content. As you select topic buttons, your content feed will update to display all the matching posts in that topic.

  2. Use the filters on the right-hand side to filter content to display All Brands or a specific brand (if applicable).

  3. Use the Sort by button to display your results by date published, engagements, or reach.

  4. Click on a post to see the full piece of content and engagement metrics

  5. Use the three-dot icon to add an influencer to a campaign or add a tag to their profile

  6. Alternatively, select View Per Influencer to see posts grouped by influencer

    Note: From this view, you can still filter results by Brand and Sort by Publish Date, Engagements, or Reach.

  7. For each influencer, you’ll see their aggregated number of posts, engagements, and reach across all posts. There will also be a breakdown of these metrics per brand

Note: You cannot take actions like adding a tag or adding an influencer to a campaign from the View per influencer mode.

Understanding the Demographics Tab

Key insights into the audience demographics of the influencers who posted about the selected competitors over the past year. All graphs are multi-brand compatible and can be displayed in a graph or table view.

Note: there will be some variation in charts and displays if you are looking at a single brand vs. comparing multiple brands.

Visualizations include:

  • Gender and age: aggregated influencer audience demographics metrics.

  • Countries: the countries the audiences of the influencers who mention the selected brands are located

  • States in the United States: the states in the United States the audiences of the influencers who mention the selected brands are located

  • Cities in the United States: the cities in the United States the audiences of the influencers who mention the selected brands are located

  • Influence: the influence tiers of the audiences of the influencers who mention the selected brands are located

  • Interests: the topics the audiences of the influencers who mention the selected brands are interested in

  • Brand Mentions: the brands the audiences of the influencers who mention the selected brands talk about

Toggle between graph (default) and table views.

Graph view:

  1. Hover over a bar to see the metrics breakdown

  2. Use checkboxes on the bottom to look at specific brands

Table view:

Single brand view:

Understanding the Influencer Tab

The Influencer Tab showcases a list view of all the influencers who have mentioned the brands you've added to your Monitor competitive dashboard. This list provides a clear view of the key players engaging with your competitors, with aggregated performance metrics over the past 12 months to identify who's making the biggest impact.

  • Filter by brand, social network, and see individual performance metrics per influencer.

  • Easily tag or add influencers to a campaign from here

Here’s how to make the most of the Influencers Tab:

  • Sort Influencers: Click on column headers (like Influence Score, Post Count, or Engagement Rate) to view influencers from highest to lowest.

  • Filter by Social Platform: Use the social channels toggle to narrow your list to Instagram or TikTok influencers.

  • Filter by Brand: The Brands drop-down allows you to filter influencers by a specific brand.

  • Take Action: Select influencers using checkboxes and use the Actions drop-down to add them to a campaign or tag them for later.

  • Performance Breakdown: Click the arrow next to an influencer’s name for a detailed performance breakdown of their posts.

    • View Posts: Click on any post image to see the full post, caption, and details.

    • Quick Actions: Use the three dots next to the influencer’s name to quickly add them to a campaign or tag them from here.

  • Compare Performance: Use the Select Columns drop-down to customize your view and select up to 8 data points that are most important to you.

    • Use Social Stats to compare an influencer’s landscape performance against their overall metrics to spot those with audiences more engaged with competitor content.

Managing Monitor Landscapes

  1. To save a Landscape as your favorite to revisit later, click the Star in the top right-hand corner

    Note: All of your saved and recently viewed Landscapes will appear on the main screen in Monitor.

  2. To remove a Landscape from your favorite, use the kebab menu and select Remove. Or click on the Landscape and deselect the Star icon.

Landscapes Settings

Tracked keywords are pre-defined based on the brands included in the landscape. To view the tracked keywords for each brand in your landscape, follow these steps:

  1. Select Settings

  2. Tracked keywords cannot be manually edited by users. However, you can suggest improvements by selecting Suggest Keyword Changes.

  3. Provide your suggested changes in the open field, explain your reasoning, and hit Send.

  4. Our team will review your submission, and if the changes are relevant across our database, they will be applied.

    Note: Tracked keywords are consistent across the platform for each brand, so suggestions should benefit the broader tracking use case rather than specific scenarios

  5. Tracked keywords are also audited using Klear’s AI to filter out irrelevant topic clusters and improve content accuracy. For example, mentions of 'apple' as a fruit will be excluded from the Apple Brand Monitor. To see content that has already been excluded from the landscape, click Excluded.

Previous Version of Monitor

If you were using the previous version of Monitor, which was located in this same space, don’t worry—you can still access your legacy monitors using the prompts at the bottom of the screen.


What Data is Powering Monitor?

  • Tracked keywords are pre-defined based on the brands a customer selects. These include the associated brand handle and hashtags with selected brands.

    • Tracked keywords are currently not editable, so they cannot be removed or added. To view the tracked keywords, select the settings button.

  • All landscapes are populated with data from the previous 12 months (until the end of the previous month); this timeframe cannot currently be altered.

    • Landscape data will be updated every month

💡 Tip

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