YouTube Overview
TOTAL SUBSCRIBERS | The number of subscribers on the last day of the period. Timezone: PDT |
SUBSCRIBERS GAINED | The number of people who subscribed to your channels during the period. Timezone: PDT |
TOTAL VIEWS | The number of times that your video was viewed in the selected reporting period. Post Type: Organic. Timezone: PDT |
INTERACTIONS | The total number of times users liked, commented on, shared, clicked on annotations, clicked on cards within your video and subscribed to your channel from the video during the reporting period. Timezone: PDT |
PUBLISHED VIDEOS | The number of published videos in the selected time period. Timezone: PDT |
TOP YOUTUBE VIDEOS | The top posts sorted by engagement rate by default. Change the sort by clicking edit. |
VIEWS TREND | The number of times that your video was viewed in the selected reporting period. Timezone: PDT |
SUBSCRIBERS BREAKDOWN | Subscribers gained = the number of times users subscribed to your YouTube channel during the reporting period. Subscribers lost = the number of people who unsubscribed from your channel in the selected time frame. Timezone: PDT |
PUBLISHED VIDEO REACTIONS | Breakdown of engagements. Comments = the number of comments on the videos on your channel. Shares = the number of times your videos were shared. Likes = the number of likes received by all the videos on your channel. Post type: organic. Timezone: PDT |
AVERAGE PERCENTAGE VIEWED | Average view duration - seconds = The average view duration received by your channel's videos. Average view percentage = The average percentage of video playback for your channel. Estimated minutes watched = The total estimated number of minutes watched received by your channel's videos. Timezone: PDT |
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