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Getting to Know Explore Widgets: Media Contacts Tab
Getting to Know Explore Widgets: Media Contacts Tab

Gain insights into the journalists writing about your topic, with the Media Contacts tab.

Cheyenne V. avatar
Written by Cheyenne V.
Updated over a month ago

Journalists are the ultimate influencers and targeting the right ones is critical to succeeding with pitching initiatives. Earning media coverage starts with media research and developing relationships with journalists.

With the Media Contacts tab in Explore, you can access the profiles of the journalists writing the articles matching your query results! Easily identify, vet, organize, and save journalists that matter most to your topics.

This article will walk you through:

Note: Only Meltwater Media Relations customers will see the Media Contacts tab in Explore.

Accessing Media Contacts

Media Contacts is located within its own section of Explore.

  1. Select Explore in the left-hand navigation bar

  2. Click into an existing search or create a new one

  3. Click the Media Contacts tab under the filter bar

Note: This tab can be found in both the Classic Analytics and Brand Analytics views.

Vetting Contact Profiles

As you refine your search and start to identify contacts you are potentially interested in, you will want to vet them further before adding them to your lists.

  1. Once in the Media Contacts tab, select the name of a journalist you want to vet further

  2. A mini profile will pop up on the right-hand side of your screen

  3. The mini profile will include the following details

    1. Name and location

    2. Sources

    3. Beats

    4. Lists

    5. Recent Articles

    6. Social Media

    7. Contact Information

  4. Click View full profile to open a new tab with additional information on the journalist

Adding a Contact To a Media List

Your current media lists can be found on the My Contacts page.

  1. Select the Media Relations drop-down in the left-hand navigation bar

  2. Click My Contacts

Note: Adding a source (publication) to a media list isn't supported.

Accessing Relevant Articles

On each individual media contact card, you will see the number of Relevant Articles from that contact in relation to your search.

  1. Select Explore in the left-hand navigation bar

  2. Click into an existing search or create a new one

  3. Click the Media Contacts tab under the filter bar

  4. Click Relevant Articles on the contact card of the journalist you want to look further into

  5. A slide-out will appear on the right-hand side of your screen that contains a content stream of all relevant articles. This content stream is filtered to display only the articles from that contact

  6. The content stream includes all of the same features and functionality as Explore

    1. Find

    2. Download

    3. Sort

    4. Display Options

    5. AI tags

    6. Add Filter option to apply an author filter to your Explore query for just this contact.

Learn more about other Explore Widgets:

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