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Navigating Meltwater

Learn how to Navigate Meltwater via the Home page and navigation bar.

Cheyenne V. avatar
Written by Cheyenne V.
Updated over a month ago

Meltwater consists of several different applications, all within one platform. The Meltwater Home Page and Navigation Bar allow you to easily move around the different areas of Meltwater you have access to.

This article will cover:

Home Page

The Meltwater Home page is the default landing page each time you log in. It consists of multiple areas.

Universal Search Bar

There is a Universal Search Bar at the top of the page, you can use this to quickly create a Brand Monitoring Search.

Let’s start by setting up a quick and easy search for your brand:

  1. On the home page, click on the search bar at the top of the page

  2. Search for your company or brand. For example, Burt's Bees.

  3. Click Enter on your keyboard

  4. Your page will refresh and take you to Explore

    Note: Explore is our media monitoring solution where you can monitor traditional news, social media and other digital media all in one place.

Pick up where you left off

You now have a selection of granular navigation options that are organically customized just for you, based on your own work habits and flows. This new simplified navigation option allows you to instantly jump back into your previously initiated work, directly from the Homepage. "Pick Up Where You Left Off" is unique to each user, and date/time stamps indicate a complete, high-level view of everything you’re working on at one time - even projects spanning multiple product areas. This is especially useful for those who repeat similar workflows frequently, removing the need for extra navigation clicks.

Product Overview

The Product Overview section lists all of the products you have access to. The order is based on your selected goals when you log in to Meltwater the first time, via this survey.

Each product has its own tile, which features a description, a link to the product, and a link to the product-specific training course in Meltwater Academy.

The maximum number of tiles presented is six, and a More products section can be seen below these six tiles, which expand to show other areas you have access to, when applicable. These are typically areas you will access less frequently,

Guides and Resources

Guides and resources feature three sections:

  • Get live help

    • Click Live chat in the Get live help section

    • Or, select the Chat bot in the bottom right hand corner

Each section includes a description, as well as links to launch those areas. The Academy and mCommunity will open in new tabs.

More from Meltwater

You will also notice a More from Meltwater section on the right-hand side of your home screen. This section will highlight additional Meltwater tools you may or may not have access to in addition to special Meltwater offerings. You are able to request a demo directly from this tile. Learn more about Navigating to Other Meltwater Products.


Access in-app alerts directly on the Homepage via a module that shows the newest content, located below the More from Meltwater promo card. This includes a 'mark as read' function to support being up-to-date after taking action. Alerts that appear on the Homepage will be considered Unread (remain bolded) until selected. Learn more about Getting Started with Alerts.

Customizing Your Homepage

You can customize your homepage to default to other sections in your tool or a specific dashboard.

To customize your homepage:

  1. Select the Account drop-down in the left-hand navigation bar

  2. Click Profile

  3. Navigate to Start page

  4. Click the arrow

  5. Select the part of the tool you want to default as your start page

  6. Click Save

  7. To add a Dashboard as your homepage

    1. Click Analyze

    2. Hover over the dashboard you want to add as a start page

    3. Click Set as Home

    4. Complete steps 1-5 above

Navigation Bar

The Meltwater Navigation bar can be pinned to stay open or, collapsed to dynamically open and close as you hover over it.

Pin Navigation Open

To Pin, or lock, your navigation open, follow these steps:

  1. Hover over the navigation bar on the left of your screen

  2. Click the pin icon located at the bottom.

The Navigation bar will now stay pinned open as you navigate around the different areas within your Meltwater user.

Close Navigation

If you wish to un-pin, or close, the navigation:

  1. Click on the arrow, located at the bottom of the navigation where the pin was previously.

When the navigation is closed, or un-pinned, it will dynamically open and close as you hover over it.

Now let's set up your account settings in Account Settings.

💡 Tip

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