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Combined Searches in Explore

Learn the details of Explore's Combined Search feature, allowing you to quickly combine your existing saved searches into a new search

Cheyenne V. avatar
Written by Cheyenne V.
Updated over a week ago

This feature within Explore has been designed to help you quickly form complex searches across multiple topics and themes. It ensures easy collaboration with your team members and consistency across your keywords and measurements.

Combined Searches allows you to quickly combine your existing saved searches, filter sets, and custom categories into a new search.

This article will cover:

Creating a Combined Search

  1. Select Explore from the left-hand side navigation bar

  2. Open an existing saved Combined Search or create a new search

  3. Select the search title on the top toolbar

  4. Select New Search

  5. Click Combined Search

  6. Select Select Inputs

  7. Click the checkboxes to the left of the searches you want to combine.

  8. Select Apply

    Note: Combined search uses the three criteria boxes of Keyword Search to combine the existing folders with either AND, OR, or NOT boolean. If you think your new search may need to use Boolean for more extensive search criteria, learn more about The Complete Boolean Library.

  9. Click Search

    Now that you're reviewing your results, you can share and manage the content using the tick box to select the relevant articles and choosing one of the following quick tools:

    • Sentiment Override - You can update the automated sentiment applied to multiple articles at once.

    • Share - Allows you to share this article via email to another email address. Learn more about Sharing Articles.

    • Add to Newsletter - Add the selected articles directly to a Newsletter. Learn more about Selecting Content for your Newsletter from Explore.

    • Tag - Tags can be used as archive folders to group all types of documents and can then be used for dashboard reporting, distributing newsletters and share content to your website newsfeed. Learn more about Tagging Content.

    • Hide - Removes the article selected from your results across the whole platform. Learn more about Hiding Articles.

    • Export Content - You'll shortly be emailed an Excel spreadsheet of the coverage that has been selected. Learn more about Exporting Content and Data.

    • Open Menu - when only one article is selected you will be able to Post to X (formerly Twitter), Facebook, LinkedIn or Translate

    • Translate

  10. To save these results as a new search

    1. Click Save in the top right-hand corner

    2. Click Save as

    3. Enter a Name

    4. Select Save

Once saved, it will appear within the list of your saved searches.

Using Filter Sets and Custom Categories

When building and/or editing a Combined search, you can also select from Filter Sets and saved Custom Categories. These can be used in all three boolean boxes.

When utilizing Filter Sets and Custom Categories as inputs for Combined Searches, you can expand on the value of Combined Searches. Combining Filter Sets and Custom Categories decreases the number of saved searches you may need to find relevant results.

In Combined search, when selecting inputs, you will see the option to select saved Filter Sets and Custom Categories.

To add a Filter Set or Custom Category, follow these steps:

  1. Select Explore from the left-hand side navigation bar

  2. Click Combined Search or open an existing combined search

  3. Click Select inputs in any of the three boxes at the top of your screen

    1. All of these

    2. At least one

    3. None of these

  4. Scroll down to the Filter Sets or Custom Categories sections

  5. Click the checkboxes to the left of the Filter Sets or Custom Categories you want to add to your Combined Search

  6. Click Apply

  7. Once selected, they will appear in the box you selected in step 3

    1. Filter Sets will display a filter icon before the name

    2. Custom Categories will display shapes.

Editing or Duplicating a Combined Search

You can quickly and efficiently make edits to your search keywords or filters directly from Combined Search without having to exit the environment to make edits to the original search.

To Edit

  1. Select the dropdown arrow on your selected searches

  2. Select Edit

  3. Edit the Search name or search terms

    1. You can use the The Complete Boolean Library to help edit your search terms, or

    2. Use the AI Search Assistant

      1. Click AI Search Assistant

      2. Enter a prompt. Using our Latte search example, our prompt may be something like “I want to create a Boolean string that includes all different types of lattes”

      3. The Search Assistant will provide a search string. Select Insert

  4. Select Save

To Duplicate

  1. Select the dropdown arrow on your selected searches

  2. Select Duplicate

  3. Give the search a name

  4. Select Save

Important Feature Notes

  • Existing searches can only be combined using the three-box criteria which uses the boolean operators OR, AND and NOT.

  • When combining searches using the AND box, please note that the existing saved searches must not have conflicting filters applied. This is because the results return documents that match all saved searches used in the AND box. For example, if you combined one saved search that's monitoring across 'X' and another saved search that's monitoring across 'Forums’' in the AND box, you would return 0 results. This is because a document cannot be both from Forums and X.

  • Ensure any desired Search Filters, such as source-type, are adjusted within the existing saved search before being combined as these can only be adjusted within the original saved search folder.

  • Analytics and Widgets aren't currently clickable

  • Analytics/widgets will not be clickable, with the exception of the latest activity graph, because filters are unavailable. Clicking the latest activity graph will only refresh the date, it will not filter by the source-type.

  • If you delete a saved search that was used in a saved Combined Search, the saved search will be removed from the saved Combined Search

💡 Tip

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