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Measure: Legacy Social Templates
Cheyenne V. avatar
Written by Cheyenne V.
Updated over a month ago

Owned Social Analytics allows you to measure your social channel performance individually or aggregate data from multiple profiles so you can report back on the success of your social media channels. These reports incorporate your engagement data from Meltwater Engage and defined competitors.

Each widget on your analytics pages includes an information (i) icon sharing further details on the data being presented. Learn more about Legacy Social Templates Metrics Definitions.

Protip: If you've chosen to opt-out of Analytics, you will not be able to view any of the Owned Social Analytics reports that were previously located under Engage Measure.

Overview pages

Overview analytics provides you with a report on your engagement history with the respective social media platform via Meltwater Engage. These include:

  • Facebook overview

  • Instagram overview

  • X (formerly Twitter) overview

  • LinkedIn overview

  • YouTube overview

  • TikTok overview

  • Cross Channel overview

To get started:

  1. Click Measure ____ to open one of the dashboards

  2. Select the account(s) from the top right-hand corner and choose the social profiles you'd like to analyze

Note: To analyze multiple social channels within one report, check out your Cross Channel Overview!

Each widget on your analytics pages includes an information (i) icon sharing further details on the data being presented. To learn more about all of the metrics across all Owned Social Analytics pages, check out our dedicated article here.

Cross Channel Tags Analytics

This report page leverages the social posts and data that has been tagged by your users within Meltwater Engage to build customized reporting. You can benchmark up to 10 tags to be compared. The charts included within this report are Impressions, Engagements, Clicks, and Video Views, plus a final table with a total volume per tag comparison.

Tag Analytics reports are available if you use Meltwater Engage.

To get started, make sure you've applied tags to the social media data you're looking to analyze. Applying tags to social media content is great for campaign management, organizing your content and reporting. Any of your Meltwater users can manage the tags applied to allow you to collaborate with your whole social media team.

Check out our article on applying tags to your social posts here!

To build your Cross Channel Tags report:

  1. Click the Engage drop-down in the left-hand navigation bar

  2. Select Measure

  3. Navigate to Legacy social templates

  4. Click Show more

  5. Select Measure Tags on the Cross channel tags option

  6. Select + add tag

  7. Select up to 10 tags to be benchmarked

  8. Select OK to apply these tags

Benchmark Analytics

With Benchmark Analytics you can compare your owned handles against your competitors and industry peers.

To get started, you'll need to define your competitors or industry peers social handles to be benchmarked against your profiles.

Protip: Your defined competitors and industry peers data starts being collected from the day you enter them into the platform, we strongly recommend doing this while setting up your account.

Learn more about defining your competitors and setting up your benchmark analytics within this dedicated article here!

Team Performance

The Team Performance template in Analyze allows you to easily track, measure, and trend your team actions in Conversations.

This dashboard features data for all conversations actions, across all connected social channels. As show below this dashboard features 10 visualizations, including a section by team member.

The Team Performance dashboard offers a single lens for community teams to easily track actions in Conversations and identify trends and areas for improvement.

Key Benefits:

  • Gain visibility into your team’s performance and make sure output supports community growth and engagement

  • Ensure your team is meeting agreed upon response-times (SLAs) and course correct if need be

  • Identify coaching opportunities with your lowest-performing employees

  • Motivate your team by visualizing user by user output and identifying trends and areas for improvement

The Team Performance dashboard can found in the Social Analytics section of Analyze.

Below are the metric definitions for this dashboard.

  • Average first reply time is the average time it took your team to send out the first reply to a received message.

  • Total received messages is the total number of messages received during the reporting period.

  • Actioned messages is the total number of received messages with an action applied during the reporting period. Actions include mark as complete, replies, retweets, likes, and tags.

  • Here is an SLA summary of your response times view total volume of received messages, actions, and the average first reply time during the reporting period.

  • Most replies. This user sent the most replies during the reporting period.

  • Action rate is the number of total actioned messages divided by total received messages during the reporting period.

  • Slowest first reply time is the longest time a user took to reply in the reporting period.

  • Fastest average time to reply is the user that had the fastest replies (average) in the reporting period.

  • Here are your reply stat totals summary of metrics in the reporting period versus the comparison period

  • Here are your reply stats by team member breakdown of the slowest first reply time (minutes), average first reply time (minutes), total replies, and total actions, by user.

You also have the ability to download individual insights to PNG. Each widget features a down arrow in the top right corner, that downloads the image directly to your computer.

The dashboard can also be shared as a link, PowerPoint, PDF, and Google Slides.

Sharing, exports and scheduling email reports

Within each Owned Social Analytics page, the Actions button in the top right corner includes all your sharing and exporting options. These include:

Download Excel: This creates a CSV file that will be emailed to your user email address. This file includes the raw data and metrics for the posts visible within your page. Each Excel Report is different based on the different template types and data available from the different social channels

  • Facebook Overview: Report Overview, Summary, Page Fans, Page Fans Change, Post Types, Impressions, Video Views, Audience Gender, Audience Country, Audience City, Audience Online, Top Posts

  • Instagram Overview: Report Overview, Summary, Top Posts, Followers Count, Post Types, Audience Gender, Top Stories, Audience Country, Audience City, Audience Online

  • X (formerly Twitter) Overview: Report Overview, Summary, Followers Count, Impressions, Engagements, Tweet Types, Top Posts

  • LinkedIn Overview: Report Overview, Summary, Top Posts, Followers, Follower Gain, Page Views, Impressions, Post Types, Engagement Types, Audience Country

  • Cross-Channel Overview: Report Overview, Summary, Top Posts, Followers Count, Impressions, Video View

  • Cross-Channel Tags Overview: Report Overview, Impressions, Engagements, Clicks, Video Views, Received, Top Tags

  • Facebook Competitive Benchmarking: Report Overview, Page Fans, Engagement Rate, Page Performance, Page Post Types, Engagement Breakdown, Top Posts

Download PDF: This will create a PDF slide deck that will download on your current page. This PDF displays each row of graphs from your Owned Social Analytics report on a new slide. If you are looking for a similar format but would like to customize the display, add text and choose which graphs are featured then Share Dashboard is our recommended option.

The PDF report will show either the gallery or list view of the Top Performing Posts widget, depending on which version is selected when downloading the report.

Share Dashboard: Creates a sharable dashboard that you can further customize, edit the slides and graphs before sharing a link for others to view the results online. Learn more about shareable dashboards in this article. This is accessible for Overview and Tags reports and isn't currently available for benchmark reports.

View Dashboards: Provides you with a list of previously created Shareable Dashboards.

Schedule Report: Schedule a copy of your report to be emailed to a group of up to 25 email addresses on a weekly or monthly interval. Weekly reports are delivered on Tuesday and look at the previous week's data. Monthly reports are delivered on the second day of the month and look at the previous month's data.

When entering the recipient list of email addresses be sure to separate each address with a new line/enter.

Manage Subscriptions: View or delete the scheduled reports currently being distributed.

Understanding Page Level and Post Level data

In Owned Social Analytics we display data as it comes from the various social channel's APIs.

As there are many different types of data, understanding these can be difficult and it may appear to vary from tool to tool or even from the native channels. Rest assured that our data is accurate, and there is usually an explanation for any apparent data discrepancies.

If you'd like to learn the definitions for the metrics within Owned Social Analytics, check out our dedicated article here.

In Owned Social Analytics there are three different types of data:

Page level data accounts for actions taken on the page during a time frame.

Post level data is lifetime values specific to actions taken on those posts.

Follower and Audience data are the demographics and audience location data points and widgets.

Confusion often occurs when looking at other providers that blend these metrics together. We disagree with that approach because we'd rather provide a clear picture of what data is being analyzed and how the data types are different.

In Owned Social Analytics, most metrics, such as the overview cards at the top and graphs showing data over time, are based on Page level data. For example, Total Impressions is the total number of impressions on any post on the page during the time frame.

Post level data is seen in the Gallery and List view of the Top Performing Posts widget. This is showing the lifetime value of engagements, impressions, etc. on the posts published during the selected time frame.

To use a practical example to illustrate the difference between these two data types, let's say that I am looking at the Facebook Overview report for November 1-30, 2020. If on November 15 a fan viewed a post that was published on October 1, that impression will be included in the Total Impressions and Impressions over time widgets but it would not be included in the Gallery or List view of Top Performing Posts because the post was not published in November. Therefore, if you summed up the impressions from the Gallery or List view, it would most likely not equal the Total Impressions widget.

Owned Social Analytics shows the data that the various social channels provide through their APIs, and we do not manipulate this data or do any calculations with it. Unfortunately, in some cases the social channels only provide certain metrics at a Post level and not at the Page level.

For example, Instagram does not provide reach at the Page level but does at the Post level. This is why you see this metric in the Top Performing Posts widget (Post level metrics), but it is not included in any of the totals or other charts (Page level metrics).

Reach vs Impressions

Reach - the total number of people who saw your content

Impressions - the number of times your content was shown

So Impressions are the total number of times your content has been seen, while Reach is the unique number of people that have seen your content.

For example, I have a piece of content that has been shown to 5 people. Reach would equal 5. Three of those people saw my post 2 times. Impressions therefore would equal 8. 2 people seeing once (2) + 3 people seeing twice (6) = 8 Impressions.

Based on the above logic, impressions are always higher than reach. That is because one person can have multiple impressions of the same piece of content.

💡 Tip

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