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Sharing Dashboards With Stakeholders

Learn how to share your dashboards in a reporting format.

Cheyenne V. avatar
Written by Cheyenne V.
Updated over 7 months ago

We've introduced shareable dashboards to simplify communicating results and insights with stakeholders.

You can share a link to an interactive and customized presentation in a few simple steps. While recipients do not need a Meltwater login to access these dashboards, you’ll be prompted to add a password to the link for security reasons.

This article will cover:


If you want to export and share a dashboard from an Explore search, you must have at least one existing search saved in Explore. Learn more about Creating a Search.

To export and share a dashboard from Analyze, you must create a custom dashboard using an Explore search. Learn more about Building Your Own Dashboard.

Sharing a Dashboard from Explore

  1. Select Explore in the left-hand navigation bar

  2. Select the search you want to create a dashboard for

  3. Select Share found on the right-hand side of your screen

  4. Select Share Dashboard from the drop-down menu

  5. Your slides will open in a new tab

  6. Select Edit Slides to make custom changes

  7. Click the pencil icon in the top right-hand corner to make the necessary changes.

  8. Select the OK to save your changes

  9. Repeat steps 7 & 8 as needed on each slide

  10. Click Share in the bottom right-hand corner

  11. Enter a password

  12. Select Save

  13. Choose a format: Report Link, PowerPoint, PDF, or Add to Google Slides

  14. Click Done

  15. You will be notified via a download notification on your computer when your report is ready.

Note: Downloading PowerPoint and PDF will download both options directly to your computer. You can then open, edit, and share them as you normally would files of this type outside of Meltwater.

When you select Add to Google Slides, you will be prompted to choose which Google account you want to sign in to. Choose the appropriate account to link, then click continue. Your slides will then be generated and opened in a new tab directly within your Google slide instance, where you have complete control for editing, collaboration, and exporting!

Sharing a Dashboard from Analyze

  1. Select Analyze on the left-hand navigation bar

  2. Select the dashboard you want to share

    Note: There are three different types of dashboards you can share, Dashboard layout, Report layout, and Classic dashboard. You can identify which type of dashboard it is via the Type section.

  3. If it is a Dashboard Layout dashboard

    1. Select Share in the top right-hand corner

    2. When it is ready, a PDF will be downloaded. Your computer will notify you via download notification.

  4. If it is a Report Layout dashboard

    1. Select the Share dropdown

    2. Choose a format: Report Link, PowerPoint, PDF, or Add to Google Slides

    3. You will be notified when your report is ready via a download notification on your computer

  5. If it is a Classic Dashboard,

    1. Select Actions

    2. Click Share Dashboard

    3. Your slides will open in a pop-up

    4. Select Edit Slides to make custom changes

    5. Click the pencil icon in the top right-hand corner to make the necessary changes.

    6. Select the OK to save your changes

    7. Repeat steps 7 & 8 as needed on each slide

    8. Click Share

    9. Enter a password

    10. Select Save

    11. Choose a format: Report Link, PowerPoint, PDF, or Add to Google Slides

    12. Select Done

    13. You will be notified when your report is ready via a download notification on your computer

Printing Your Dashboard

In addition to sharing dashboards online, you may need a hard copy. To create a hard copy, please follow these steps within a Google Chrome web browser:

  1. Open your created Sharable Dashboard link

  2. Use the Print option within your web browser

  3. Select Save as PDF or your printer as the destination

  4. Select Landscape found under Layout

  5. Navigate to More Settings

  6. Set the scale to 70

  7. Uncheck Headers and Footers

  8. Select Save or Print.


Does the generated Shareable Dashboard link include live data?

The content and graphs displayed in the Shareable Dashboard link show a snapshot in time. The snapshot illustrated reflects the date range chosen on the original dashboard.

Can I insert images in the Summary, Divider, or Conclusion slides?

You can include text and links in all three, however images are only supported in the Summary and Conclusion slides.

Are the widgets clickable?

All widgets will display additional information when hovered over but cannot be clicked on. You can also select and deselect data points or zoom in and out for some widgets. The only clickable widget is the Content Stream, allowing you to click on each article and open the web link. The Content Stream is limited to the last 25 articles.

Can the Shareable Dashboard be sent to anyone?

Yes, you may share the link with anyone. To view the content, you must enter the password.

Is there a limit to how many people can access the link?

You can share the link with as many people as you want!

Will the Shareable Dashboard ever expire?

Yes, Shareable dashboards will load for 180 days. The user who created the dashboard can delete it if needed.

How can I view the Shareable Dashboards I've created?

You will see a table of all shared dashboards on the dashboards tab under the subtab "SHARED."

We created Shareable Dashboards Pro to allow clients (and their clients) to click on a significant point on a chart or graph and drill down to the content that drives that point.

Shareable Dashboards Pro

Shareable Dashboards Pro is an add-on tool you can purchase if it is a good fit for your needs. The tool allows you to click on a significant point on a chart or graph and drill down to the content that drives that point. Read below to see the additional benefits of this tool:

  • Allows you to drill down on the largest data points within most widgets/charts for up to 25 articles

  • Ability to save up to 100 shared dashboards

  • Ability to remove meltwater watermark/logo and replace with something custom

💡 Tip

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