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Communicating with Influencers in a Campaign
Communicating with Influencers in a Campaign
Cheyenne V. avatar
Written by Cheyenne V.
Updated over a week ago

Throughout a campaign, it's essential to stay in touch with your influencers. Keep them updated on the campaign's progress, address their requests promptly, and occasionally communicate with large groups of influencers. Maintaining effective communication ensures a smooth and successful collaboration.

Klear simplifies the process of communicating with influencers by allowing you to message them directly within Connect. For influencers, each message appears in their email inbox associated with their Klear account. This streamlined approach ensures that influencers can easily view and respond to your messages without the need to frequently log in to their influencer portal.

This article will cover:


Before you move forward, make sure you have completed the following steps:

  • Added the influencers to a campaign

  • Sent a campaign brief to the influencers

  • At least 1 influencer has joined the campaign (for bulk communication features, multiple influencers must have joined)

Using Connect to Message Influencers

To message your influencers, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Connect section of your campaign.

  2. To Select an Influencer or Multiple Influencers:

    1. Single: Within Connect, select the influencer you wish to message and click on their name to bring up their messaging window.

    2. Multiple: Within Connect, select the checkbox next to the name of each influencer you want to send a message to to bring up a broadcast message window.

  3. Using the text box at the bottom, compose the body of your message to the influencer.

    1. You can add an attachment by clicking on the paperclip icon.

  4. To send your Message, click on Send in the bottom right corner.

Best Practices

Don’t be afraid to follow up with your influencers! We all miss emails from time-to-time, so make sure to keep communication flowing as needed by your campaign.

💡 Tip

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