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Getting Started with Analyze: Dashboards

Your guide on how to build your own dashboard with combined earned analytics.

Whitney W. avatar
Written by Whitney W.
Updated over a month ago

We’re introducing two options for building dashboards to fit your intended use case - daily interactive dashboards, and stylized dashboard reports.

Dashboard Layout - helps you build an at-a-glance overview of your chosen KPIs to analyze and monitor, and it can also be shared as a PDF. Use it for quick and easy monitoring, measuring, and analyzing of your active PR efforts.

Report Layout - is your place to build an organized view of your metrics in a slide layout - these can be shared as PDF, PPT, Google slides, or a Shareable Link. Showcase the impact of your work by building your dashboard in the form of a presentation to report on your key takeaways for your PR efforts.

Setting up your Dashboards

Create a new dashboard

To create a new Dashboard:

  • Select Analyze from the left-hand side navigation bar

  • Scroll down to Build Your Own Dashboard, choose your layout, and click Create.

By clicking on Create in Dashboard Layout, you’ll start with a new blank Dashboard. Give your new Dashboard a title, and begin adding insights, via the Add insights button. The full list of Insights can be found here.

Add Insights to your dashboard

In Dashboards, you use insights to add the metrics and data you'd like to view on your dashboard. To add insights to your dashboard:

  • Click Add Insight in the top-right corner, or from the center home screen.

    • This will display the Insight Catalog, listing insights you can add:

  • Multiple insights can be added at once to view multiple dashboard views built for more analytics, faster.

  • Each insight has a name and description for what the insight will show when added.

  • You can also type name of the insight or metric you are looking for in the search bar.

  • Select the individual insight you'd like to include, then click Add. This will add the insight to your dashboard.

  • Next, you will need to configure your insight.

For a list of all available Insights, check out our Insights Catalog.

Via the right-hand settings panel, first, choose a Date Range for the insight

  • Then choose up to 10 searches or tags for the Insight, except for Share of Voice Inputs which have a max of 25

  • Click Apply to save the settings

Your insight will now display on your dashboard!

Edit or Delete an added Insight

To make edits to the settings of an insight (date and/or selected searches and/or tags and/or chart type), hover on the top right corner of each insight and click the pen icon.

Select Edit insights to reopen the right-hand settings panel. From here, you can update the chart type, date and select saved searches and tags. Click Save to update your insight.

If you are changing the chart type please note not all insights have multiple chart type selections. Top Publications by Editorial Reach, for example, can be a Bar chart, Column chart, Donut chart, Line chart, or Wordcloud.

To delete an insight from the dashboard simply click the ellipse button and then hit the trash icon.

Change the layout of your insights and dashboard

Once you have added insights to your dashboard, you can easily move and resize - each insight as you desire and design your dashboard.

Hover over the top of any insight, you will see a hand icon. You can move the icon around and put it where ever you want in your dashboard.

To resize an insight hover on the insight you want to resize, you will see two arrows will show up at the bottom corners. You can drag them to get to the desired size.

Interacting with your Dashboards

You can hover over any insight for expanded analytics.

For example, hover over a spike on a line graph to see the total number and percentage for that spike.

Hover over a donut chart to see the total and percentage.

Click any point or visualization in an insight to open the Related documents pop-out via the right-hand panel. This will display the same content stream from Explore and Monitor, allowing you to easily sort, search, download, tag, and more.

Adding & Duplicating Tabs in your Dashboard

You now have the ability to add additional analysis tabs into one dashboard to help you tell your story your way. Easily switch between views, initiatives, or visualizations with more data in one Custom Dashboard. You can now have up to 5 tabs in your dashboard with 20 insights per tab!

How does it work?

After creating a custom dashboard - your existing tab will be untitled until you enter a title by clicking on the tab. Navigate to the right of your existing tab in your Dashboard View and select the "+ Add" tab to add another tab to your dashboard.

After the tab name is saved you are able to edit the tab name and delete the tab if needed.

To duplicate a tab, select the dropdown to the right of the tab name. Select Duplicate tab to repeat the tab with searches selected. Select Duplicate layout to repeat the tab with no saved searches.

Click on the top right “Export“ button to export your report. When exporting tabs in a dashboard, only the selected tab will be exported.

By accessing multiple analysis views in one central space, you can now structure your dashboard with more flexibility to easily display information to stakeholders.

How to Download Insights

You have the option to export a widget as a CSV or image from your dashboard.

Option 1: Download CSV - Select a specific analytic or visualization from the Custom Dashboard and download the underlying data that is used to create that particular analytic. This downloaded data is saved in a CSV (Comma-Separated Values) file format.

Option 2: Download PNG - Whether you need to download or copy for use in presentations, exporting the insight as an image removes the need to take a screenshot.

To Download:

Navigate to the Insight of interest, select the three dots at the top right of the Insight, then select “Download as CSV.” Alternatively, for an image view, select “Download as PNG.”

CSV Export Shown Above

How to download a Dashboard

If you already have a Dashboard, you’ll find a change in export options. Dashboard layout can be exported as a PDF.

To find the combined export options of Dashboard Report Layout, navigate to Dashboard Report Layout under Build Your Own Dashboard. These can be exported in Slides, PDF, or a sharable link.

Tip: you can also convert your Dashboard Layout into a Report Layout from the Dashboard Layout export menu.

Insights Catalog

A full list of insights and metrics available in Dashboards can be found here.


Q: Where do I find Dashboards?

A: In the Analyze tab, in the left-hand navigation, for users with the Explore for Media Intelligence entitlement.

Q: I’m not seeing results in my insight, why is that?

A: Ensure your searches are set up accurately. Keep in mind that some insights require a specific source type assigned to their search inputs. Dashboards are great for combined reporting across news and social sources. If your search, however, has filters excluding that source type, you won’t see it in the insight.

Q: Should I create a Dashboard Layout or a Report Layout?

A: We’re introducing two options for building dashboards to fit your intended use case - daily interactive dashboards, and stylized dashboard reports.

  1. Dashboard Layout helps you build an at-a-glance overview of your chosen KPIs to analyze and monitor, and it can also be shared as a PDF.

  2. Dashboard Report Layout is your place to build an organized view of your metrics in a slide layout - these can be shared as PDF, PPT, Google slides, or a shareable link.

Either one can be your daily dashboard, but keep in mind that the organization is limited to slides in Report Layout. If you’d like to move an insight to a higher slide, you need to rebuild the insight in the corresponding slide. Report layout is recommended if you’re interested in exporting as slides. Both layouts can be exported as a PDF.

Q: How do I access other export options?

A: You can achieve this by creating a copy of your original dashboard. Navigate to the three dots above Export Tab on the top right of Dashboard Layout, and click Duplicate to Report Layout.

Q: Can I power my report with searches, tags, and RSS feeds?

A: No, searches and tags only

Q: Which insights exist in the Insight Library?

A: The comprehensive Insight Library can be found here.

Q: How do I update custom colors?

A: Click on the three dots on the top right of the Dashboard for customization options, and select Input Color Editor.

Q: How do I apply labels to my charts?

A: Click on the three dots on the top right of the Dashboard for customization options, and select Turn Data Labels OFF or ON. When exporting, we recommend ensuring your labels are on.

Q: What’s the maximum number of tabs I can create?

A: The maximum tabs are a total of 5 tabs with 20 insights per tab. (Custom Text and Custom Images don’t count toward the 20 insight limit).

Q: How do I move the slide up or down in Report Layout?

A: Select the three dots menu at the top right of a slide, select “move slide up” or move slide down”

Q: If I have feedback on the new features, where should I submit it?

A: Do you have an idea for a new insight or feature we should include in Dashboards? Share your feedback in the Community post!

💡 Tip

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