Need access to your data outside of the Meltwater platform to create a report? Whether you're using PowerBI to mine content for patterns or you're relying on an offline process for building earned media reports, you can export data from Meltwater.
This article will cover:
Exporting From the Content Stream
You are able to export the articles, social posts, and clips directly from your content stream. A content stream can be found within an Explore search or a Monitor stream.
To export this content:
Navigate to a content stream within an Explore search or Monitor
Select the results via the tick box. If you are in Explore and have used the Select All option, please note the alert with a prompt to Select All.
Select Download Options
Select from the following options:
Select a Format
Select a Template
Popular fields and metrics
Note: Learn more about Details Included in Your Exports.
Click Download
A spreadsheet or PDF file will be emailed to the address you use to log in.
Alternatively, when your download is ready, you'll receive an alert icon at the top of your page.
Select the Alerts icon in the top right-hand corner
Click Download
The maximum size of results available to export is 20K results at a time to an Excel file and up to 500 results as a PDF. In order to support large-size reports (>10MB), we do not attach the report, but you can download it from the cloud by clicking the download link in the email or via alerts.
If your total results exceed 20K, you have two options for exporting:
Click Download Options prior to selecting any results via the tick boxes, to display these options.
Export the first 20K results
Export a randomized sample of 20K results
Export the first 20K Results
This option will download the first 20K results available. Results are ordered based on your sort type and sort order. You can change your sort type and order by clicking the sorted by drop down, and selecting your preferred options.
Export a randomized sample of 20K results
This option will export a randomized 20K sample from your total results. Some things to note about random sampling.
How the data is randomized: Each result is randomly assigned a number between 0 and 1. Selection is then based on the percentage of results to include in the export, totaling 20K. For example, for 200K results, each result randomly assigned a number between 0 and 0.1 will be included so that 20K results are returned.
There are no special considerations used when randomly selecting results. All results are weighted equally.
Sampling will be evenly distributed across the selected time range. For example, if your results total 200K for a 10-day period, your export would include 2K results per day.
Each random sample export will return different results than the last. For example, if you export a random sample three times, you will have three different data sets.
Exporting from the Meltwater API
If you would like to automate your exports or export larger volumes of data, you can do both via the Meltwater API. Learn more about Exporting Your Data With the Meltwater API.
Troubleshooting: Exporting on a MAC Without Excel
When exporting data, after a few minutes, you will receive an email with a link provided to download its content. If your Safari browser is trying to open the file within the browser rather than downloading the file, please follow the below steps:
Right click on the Download Report link in the email
Navigate to Save Link As… and save the file to a location convenient for quick and easy access (Downloads folder or Desktop folder, for example).
Copy the link in the email that is posted under the text You can also copy and paste the following URL into your browser and paste the link into another browser, such as Google Chrome or Firefox, which will then download the file automatically to their computer.
Copy the contents that are displayed on the page and paste it into Excel manually.
Details Included in Your Exports
There are now two different export templates available from Explore:
Popular Fields and Metrics
Field Title | Field Description | Example Values |
Date | Date when the document was published by the source | 2023-05-24 |
Time | Time when the document was published by the source | 2:30 |
Document ID | Unique ID of the document in the Meltwater platform | 1713459776000_K49ugt285FchyyIqJ15D85lyR5wA |
URL | URL of the document | |
Input Name | Search(es) or tag(s) that caused the document to match | My Brand Search |
Keywords | Keywords that were found and led to the match | Tesla; Artificial Intelligence |
Information Type | Information type of the source, for example 'news' | Broadcast, News, Social |
Source Type | The type of the source, for example a forum | News : Print, Online news |
Source Name | The name of the source, for example New York Times | News - Name of the newspaper or similar |
Source Domain | Domain or subdomain for the source |
Content Type | The type of content contained in the document | News - News Article |
Author Name | Name of the document's author | John Smith |
Author Handle | Handle of the document's author | @john_smith |
Title | Title of the document | Today Joe Biden announced his plans for social care |
Opening Text | Opening sentences of the document's content | In the past 20 years, the reverence for the film has only grown, to the point that Napoleon (Jon Heder), Pedro (Efren Ramirez) and Uncle ... |
Hit Sentence | Sentence within the document that led to the match | ..announced today that they plan to launch a new product featuring new AI capabilities... |
Image | URL for the main image of a document | |
Hashtags | Hashtags within the document content | #sneakers; #ai |
Links | Links within the document content | |
Country | Country where the document was published | United States |
Region | Region where the document was published | Rhode Island |
State | State where the document was published | Washington |
City | City where the document was published | Seattle |
Language | The language detected for the document content | French |
Sentiment | Overall sentiment of the document | positive / negative / neutral |
Keyphrases | Keyphrases found within the document content | Machine Learning; Sneakers |
Reach | Reach for the document, for example number of followers for social authors, or estimate of number of visitors for a news site | 13521 |
AVE | Advertising Value Equivalency of the document | 60.2 |
Social Echo | Number of times an article has been shared on social networks | 129 |
Editorial Echo | How many times the article has been referenced with a link in the body of a different article | 543 |
Engagement | Total engagement for the social post or article | 534 |
Shares | Number of times the document has been shared | 12 |
Quotes | Number of times the document has been quoted | 22 |
Likes | Number of times the document has been liked | 115 |
Replies | Number of times the document has been replied to | 12 |
Reposts | Number of times the document has been reposted | 13 |
Comments | Number of times the document has been commented on | 44 |
Reactions | Number of times the document has been reacted to | 13 |
Views | Number of times the document has been viewed | 12013 |
Estimated Views | Estimated views for a news article based on the reach of the source | 13400 |
Document Tags | Tags applied to the document in the Meltwater application | My campaign, My CEO |
Custom Categories | Custom Categories applied to the document in the Meltwater application | Financials, Outreach, Q1 Campaign |
Field Title | Field Description | Example Values |
Date | Time when the document was published by the source | 2023-05-24 |
Headline | Title of the article | Look up to the sky for the Lyrid meteor shower and the full pink moon |
URL | URL of the document | |
Opening Text | Opening sentences of the document's content | In the past 20 years, the reverence for the film has only grown, to the point that Napoleon (Jon Heder), Pedro (Efren Ramirez) and Uncle ... |
Hit Sentence | Sentence within the document that led to the match | ..announced today that they plan to launch a new product featuring new AI capabilities... |
Source | Source name | Yahoo! News |
Influencer | Author's full name (editorial) or X handle (X post) | John Smit (editorial) @john_smith (X post) |
Country | Country where the document was published | United States |
Subregion | Subregion where the document was published | Northeast |
Language | The language detected for the document content | French |
Reach | Reach for the document, for example number of followers for social authors, or estimate of number of visitors for a news site | 13521 |
Desktop Reach | Estimate of number of visitors for a news site using a desktop computer | 2509 |
Mobile Reach | Estimate of number of visitors for a news site using a mobile device | 8403 |
Twitter Social Echo | Real-time number of social shares for any X Post | 0 |
Facebook Social Echo | Real-time number of social shares for any Facebook Post | 0 |
Reddit Social Echo | Real-time number of social shares for any Reddit post | 0 |
National Viewership | The national audience size for the source. | 7954 |
Engagement | Total engagement for the social post or article | 534 |
AVE | Advertising Value Equivalency of the document | 60.2 |
Sentiment | Overall sentiment of the document | Positive/ Negative/ Neutral |
Key Phrases | Keyphrases found within the document content | Machine Learning; Sneakers |
Input Name | Search(es) or tag(s) that caused the document to match | My Brand Search |
Keywords | Keywords that were found and led to the match | Tesla; Artificial Intelligence |
Twitter Authority | The relative authority score for the author, based on the author’s follower count, with a high follower count generating a high authority score | 7 |
Tweet ID | The ID of the post on X | "1803847914219008127" |
Twitter Client | The client used by the author when creating the post on X |
Twitter Screen Name | User's X handle | @john_smith |
User Profile URL | The URL for the users social network profile | |
Twitter Bio | Information added to the X author's profile | Helping innovators uncomplicate data storage, forever. |
Twitter Followers | Number of X follower's the author has | 3890 |
Twitter Following | Number of X handles the author is following | 125 |
Alternate Date Format | Variation of the date when the document was published by the source (20-Jun-24) | 20-Jun-24 |
Time | Time when the document was published by the source | 2:30 |
State | State where the document was published | Washington |
City | City where the document was published | Chicago |
Social Echo Total | Helps you understand the real-time number of social shares for any editorial document. This tool will provide you with a volume of social media interactions (such as posts, shares, reposts, etc) with a specific online news article. Learn more about Social Echo. | 24 |
Editorial Echo | Indicates how many times the article is referenced with a hyperlink in the body of a different article. | 543 |
Views | Number of times the document has been viewed | 12013 |
Likes | Number of times the document has been liked | 115 |
Replies | Number of times the document has been replied to | 12 |
Comments | Number of times the document has been commented on | 44 |
Shares | Number of times the document has been shared | 12 |
Reactions | Number of times the document has been reacted to | 13 |
Threads | Number of comments or replies to a document | 7 |
Is Verified | Whether the author is marked as authorized by the social network | True/Flase |
Parent URL | The URL of the parent document, for example if this document is a reply | |
Document Tags | Tags applied to the document in the Meltwater application |
Custom Categories | Custom Categories applied to the document in the Meltwater application | Financials, Outreach, Q1 Campaign |
Learn more about PR Metrics.
Additional information about expanded engagement data by source:
News - Social Echo Total, Editorial Echo
X (formerly Twitter)- Is Verified, Replies, reposts, likes
Reddit - Threads, reactions
TikTok - Shares, threads, reactions
YouTube - No engagement data, due to terms of service restrictions
Facebook - Comments, shares, reactions
Instagram - Threads, reactions
💡 Tip
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