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Radarly: Insight Pages Project Level
Written by Jeslynn Soh
Updated over 4 months ago

Insight Pages in your Project

All the Insight Pages of a project are centralized in the same section.


This page will be accessible through a new entry in the project selector or with the existing “Insight Pages” entry of the current workspace menu.


This page will list all the Insight Pages of the project you have access to, grouped by workspace.

You will be able to filter your Insight Pages by workspace (with the left menu) or/and by their name (with the search box in the header).


Insight Pages on a Project Level

Any admin user of a project is able to build an Insight Page using any query of the project (regardless of its workspace) and share it with all the users of the project (or with a closed list of users).

How will it work?

After clicking on the “New Insight Page” button, the admin users will have to choose the scope of this new Insight Page: A precise workspace or the whole project.

  • If the user chooses a precise workspace, a “classic” Insight page is generated: it only uses the queries of the chosen workspace and it is available by default for the users of this workspace.

  • If the user chooses the whole project, a “project” Insight page is generated: Its cards can display the data related to any query of the project (including the ones that are not displayed in the workspaces). This page can be private, shared with all the users of the project, or shared only with a closed list of users.

The "project" Insight Pages are displayed at the top of the list of Insight Pages.


Insight Pages on Project Level: Access Rights





  • if the page is public

  • if the user is the author of the page

  • if the page is public

  • if the user is the author of the page

  • if the page is shared with the user

Writer or Reader

  • if the page is public

  • if the page is shared with the user

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