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Publishing Content In

Learn about the content types and curation scenarios when publishing within

Cheyenne V. avatar
Written by Cheyenne V.
Updated over a week ago

Content curation within is the process of discovering, selecting, organizing, and sharing relevant and valuable content from various sources on a specific topic or subject. Curators can add their own context, commentary, and insights to the curated content to provide additional value and perspective. allows you to discover, edit, publish, and distribute the best content for your audience.

This article will cover:

Content Types

You can publish various types of content on

  • Web articles

  • PDF

  • Word

  • Excel

  • Scoop without a link

  • Instagram posts

  • Youtube videos

  • Tweets

Curation Scenarios

You can curate content in different ways depending on the time you can assign to content curation, the frequency of your curation and how your team works. has a solution for everyone.


Suggestions based on your keywords are available in your topic pages. You can update these keywords, or create several queries with our Enterprise license.

Upload a Document

With our Enterprise plan, you can upload documents directly from your computer to your topic pages. These documents can be PDFs, Excel or Word documents, videos, etc.


The bookmarklet enables you to curate content very easily. You just need to add it to your favorites bar, then click it when you find an article you would like to add to your topic pages.

By using the bookmarklet you can access the publication window directly on the original source. Saving you time by not needing to go to to publish the article.

Integrate Content Automatically

You can set up different sources to import content automatically into your topic page. The content will be automatically uploaded to your topic page without prior validation. You can edit or delete content after its publication.

Content can be imported from:

  • Meltwater Explore (via RSS feed)

  • Radarly

  • RSS feed or Sitemap

Understanding the Dates on Your Publication

  1. The Curation Date : This is the date on which the post was published on the topic page.

  2. The Publication Date : This is the date on which the article was published to the original source.

💡 Tip

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