Automated Vetting in Recruit

Configure automated rules to fast-track vetting influencer applications.

Cheyenne V. avatar
Written by Cheyenne V.
Updated over a week ago

As you start to scale your recruitment efforts, the amount of time dedicated to vetting can quickly add up. While you want to uncover the best influencers for your brand, you also don't have the hours to comb through hundreds of applications one by one. To help streamline this process, we’ve created a new set of vetting automation rules in Recruit.

What’s New?

Recruit Automation gives you the ability to set up rules to manage vetting at mass. This allows you to reduce your backlog of pending applicants while speeding up the time to execution with relevant creators. With Recruit Automation, you can set a desired range for influence score or follower count to automatically change a pending applicant status to approved or declined. Approval and Decline automations are separate, so you can turn on both or just one based on your preference.

The new automation functionality doesn’t stop there. We’ve also included options to fast-track your entire recruitment workflow with automated follow up actions. So, if an influencer meets your desired criteria, you can also set up actions like adding a tag, adding to a campaign, and/or sending an approval/decline email.

How To Set Up Recruit Automation

Within Recruit, click into the Application Form you want to apply rules and select the Automation button. Then configure your preferences from the Set Recruit Automation Rules pop up.

Configure Your Approval/Decline Automations:

  • Toggle on the Approve and/or Decline applicants buttons depending on what rules you want to set

  • Choose the metric to set your condition. Options include: Influence Score, Instagram Followers, Facebook Followers, or Followers on any of these specific platforms. Note: You can only choose one metric per approve/decline automation rule.

  • Enter your minimum/maximum values. You must include at least one value above 0.

Set Up Follow Up Automation Actions: If you don’t want to configure a follow up action- leave that section blank.

Add Tag(s):

  • Using the drop-down next to this section, you can choose from your existing tags and/ or use the +Add New Tag button to create a new tag from this view.

  • Tip: We recommend always tagging approved applications with one or two tags for easy filtering and sorting down the line (ex. Recruit- Approved, Summer Campaign)

Add to a campaign (only for the Approval workflow):

  • Use the drop-down to select the correct active campaign to add approved members to.

  • Note: If you’ve already reached your managed influencers quota, additional applicants will be approved, but won’t be added to a campaign. See tagging tip above!

Send Approval/Decline Emails:

  • Select an existing email template. (Note: You cannot create a new template from this view)

  • Assign the appropriate Send From email. Note: You must connect your own email address to use this feature, you cannot send from a Klear email address.

  • Approval and rejection emails are sent two-three days following the application date.

Once your selections are complete, hit Save and you’ll then see the Screening Automation Active banner on your application form to confirm your rules are active.

💡 Tip

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