Below is a video walkthrough on how to set up and use the Salesforce integration. Step-by-step instructions follow.
This article will cover:
Before you connect your Salesforce account to Meltwater, it is important to verify that your Salesforce account has all the required permissions enabled to ensure a successful Salesforce connection. Additional setup may be required within your Salesforce instance to grant proper permission. These settings cannot be verified or updated by Meltwater, so we suggest you contact your company's Salesforce Administrator to assist with verifying and editing permissions as needed. Without proper permissions, your Salesforce connection will cause errors when using it within Engage.
Necessary Salesforce permissions
Required Salesforce Edition: Enterprise or Unlimited
The connected Salesforce organization must have API Access enabled
The connecting Salesforce account must have view, create, and edit permissions for Salesforce Leads and Cases
Salesforce Account Setup
Note: This section is intended for Salesforce administrators to use to assist with verifying and updating the required permissions before connecting your Salesforce account to Meltwater.
Follow the steps below to access and review your Salesforce user permissions to ensure their access is correct. All actions are taken directly within Salesforce.
Go to the setup screen by clicking the cog in the top right corner
Then select Setup
Once in setup, on the left, expand Users under the Administration section. If you already know the user(s) permission set, select Permission Sets, then click here to skip ahead.
If you do not know the user(s) permission set, select Users.
Click on the user(s) whose permissions you need to check/update.
In the user details screen, underneath their name in the top left, select Permission Set Assignments.
This screen will display the Permission Set Label for this user. Click the link for this user's permission set to go to the Permission Sets details screen.
Permission Sets
Once in the permission set, go to System Permissions near the bottom of the page.
On the next page, click the Edit button at the top of the table.
Once in edit mode, you can make any necessary edits to a user's permission as needed. Permissions are in alphabetical order and can be searched for, using the search bar at the top of the page.
Enable API Access
The Meltwater user that will be connecting Salesforce to Meltwater will need API Enabled with their Salesforce permission set. This permission gives the user access to any API. If the user does not have this permission enabled, you must enable the API Enabled option.
Click Save at the top and yes to any prompts or popups.
Enable Access for Salesforce Objects
The Meltwater user connecting Salesforce to Meltwater will also need to be able to view, create, and edit permissions for Salesforce Leads and Cases within their Salesforce user settings.
From the same Permission Set screen as above, select Object Settings near the top.
From the object settings page, search for the Salesforce Object you want to modify access controls for. We will need to make edits for both Leads and Cases. In this example, we’ll enable full access to cases by finding Cases in the list of objects
Select Cases to open this screen.
If the user does not have all appropriate object permissions enabled, like above, click Edit.
Under Object Permissions, check Enabled beside all permission names: Read, Create, Edit, Delete, View All, and Modify All
Click Save.
Then, follow the same exact steps, except for the Leads object.
Once these above settings are updated, you may connect Salesforce to Meltwater!
Connecting Salesforce to Meltwater
Unlike social account connections in Engage, which are found under Social Connections, Salesforce connections are made under Third party integrations.
Here, you can connect your Salesforce instance, which is owned and managed by your company. Only one Salesforce account may be connected per Meltwater account. Connections do not expire, and they do not require the assignment of individual Engage users for access.
Salesforce Cases in Conversations
Creating Salesforce Cases from Conversations
After successfully connecting your Salesforce account to Meltwater, you will be able to create a new Salesforce Case within Conversations for any fan message from any user for any social channel.
To access Salesforce options for a message, click the kebab menu next to the message
Click Salesforce.
A new Salesforce pop-up will appear featuring four tabs: Create Case, Create Contact, Create Lead, and View Cases. By default, the Create Case tab will display first for any message that does not already have a created case. If a case does exist already, this tab will instead read Edit Case.
Let's focus on the first option, Create Case. This contains several required and optional fields:
Case Subject (required)
Name (optional)
This field is prepopulated with the message author but can be edited.
This field shows up in Salesforce as ‘Web name’
Status (required)
Priority (required)
Email (optional)
Mobile Phone (optional)
Related Contact (optional)
Related Account (optional)
Description (optional)
This field is pre-populated with:
Message Type
Date and Timestamp of message
Social profile name
The text content of the message
URL of message on the native social channel
Users can remove or append this description field as needed.
Update (optional)
This field corresponds to feedview updates on a case within Salesforce.
Users can add as many updates to a case upon creation as they would like.
Once all required fields are completed, the Create Case button will be available.
Click Create Case to create a new case for this fan message in Salesforce!
After clicking Create Case, the pop-up will close and you will receive a confirmation message in the lower lefthand corner that the case has been created in Salesforce.
Once a case has been created in relation to a message, the threaded view will show a Salesforce cloud icon to indicate that a case exists for that message.
Managing an Existing Salesforce Case
Once a case has been created in relation to a message from within Conversations, you can then view the case details and updates.
Click the kebab menu for a message
Select Salesforce when a case already exists, the Create Case tab will instead read Edit Case and will populate the current Salesforce case details.
Each time you click Salesforce from within Meltwater, we make a live call to Salesforce. This means you will always see the most up-to-date information, including any updates that were made in relation to the case directly within Salesforce.
The case is completely editable, so make sure to save any edits to an existing case by clicking Save Case. This will update the case in Salesforce, present a success message in Meltwater, and close the Salesforce pop-up
Deleting an Existing Salesforce Case
The Edit Case tab also includes a Delete Case option.
If a user selects Delete Case:
A message will display, asking for confirmation to delete the case.
If confirmed, this will delete the case in Salesforce, present a success message in Meltwater, and close the Salesforce pop-up.
Salesforce Contacts in Conversations
Searching for Existing Contacts and Linking
Before creating a new contact in Salesforce, it's best practice to first search and confirms that there isn’t already an existing contact in Salesforce. This way, if a contact already exists in Salesforce, you can link the message owner in Meltwater to that already existing Salesforce contact.
Click the kebab menu next to the message
Select Salesforce.
A new Salesforce pop-up will appear featuring four tabs. The second tab is Create Contact.
To check for existing Salesforce contacts, enter the social profile’s name or email address into the provided search bar.
Note: You can also search for and link contacts via the Related Contact option in the Create Case tab.
If any matching Salesforce contacts are found, they will return in a dropdown.
Click on the existing profile to link the selected message
After clicking the contact, a pop-up will display a Salesforce contact box with all available details that are present in Salesforce for that contact. You can then use this information to verify that the profile and contact relate to the same individual in Meltwater.
If you determine that this is the correct contact, you can click Link Profile to link the Salesforce contact to the user profile in Meltwater.
Clicking Link Profile will close the pop-up, and display a success message.
If it is not the right contact, you can select another dropdown option or perform another search.
If no related Salesforce contact is found and verified as correct, you can select the Create Contact option at the bottom of the pop-up.
Creating a New Contact
If you are unable to find a profile to link to and need to create a new contact:
Click Create Contact. This will display the following form.
Several fields are available, with only one required:
First Name (optional)
Prepopulated from inferred first name using social handle, but can be edited.
Last Name (required)
Prepopulated from inferred last name using social handle, but can be edited.
Email (optional)
Mobile Phone (optional)
Parent Account (optional)
Prepopulates with all existing Salesforce accounts.
Description (optional)
This field is pre-populated with:
The message type of the related message
Date and Timestamp of related message
Social profile name
The text content of the related message
URL of message from fan on the native social channel
You can remove or append this description field as needed.
Once all required fields are completed, click Create Contact to create a new contact in Salesforce, and link that profile to the user in Meltwater.
Salesforce Leads in Conversations
Searching for Existing Leads and Linking
Before creating a new lead in Salesforce, it's best practice to first search and confirms that there isn’t already an existing lead in Salesforce. This way, if a lead already exists in Salesforce, you can link the message owner in Meltwater to that already existing Salesforce lead.
Click the kebab menu next to the message
Select Salesforce.
A new Salesforce pop-up will appear featuring four tabs. The third tab is Create Lead.
To check for existing Salesforce leads, enter the social profile’s name or email address into the provided search bar.
If any matching Salesforce leads are found, they will return in a dropdown
Click on the existing profile to link the selected message.
After clicking the lead, a pop-up will display a Salesforce leads box with all available details that are present in Salesforce for that lead. You can then use this information to verify that the profile and lead relate to the same individual in Meltwater.
If you determine that this is the correct lead, you can click Link Profile to link the Salesforce lead to the user profile in Meltwater.
Clicking Link Profile will close the pop-up, and display a success message.
If it is not the right lead, you can select another dropdown option or perform another search.
If no related Salesforce lead is found and verified as correct, you can select the Create Lead option at the bottom of the pop-up.
Creating a New Lead
If you are unable to find a profile to link to and need to create a new lead,
Click Create Lead. This will display the following form.
Several required and optional fields are available to complete:
First Name (optional)
Prepopulated from inferred first name using the social handle, but can be edited.
Last Name (required)
Prepopulated from inferred last name using the social handle, but can be edited.
Company (required)
Text field.
THIS IS NOT RELATED TO ACCOUNTS. This is one of the main differences between Salesforce contacts and leads. Contacts should be related to existing accounts while leads do not.
Source (optional)
Dropdown listing social channels.
Pre-populated based on related messages but editable.
Description (optional)
This field is pre-populated with:
The message type of the related message
Date and Timestamp of related message
Social profile name
The text content of the related message
URL of message from fan on the native social channel
Users can remove or append this description field as needed.
Once all required fields are completed, click Create Lead to create a new lead in Salesforce, and link that profile to the user in Meltwater
AppExchange Download for Engage
You can now access Meltwater Engage directly in your Salesforce environment. First, you need to download and install the Meltwater Engage App via the Salesforce AppExchange.
Note: This is a one-time action and must be completed by a Salesforce administrator.
Follow these steps:
In the AppExchange, search Meltwater Engage or use this link to take you there directly: Meltwater Engage via Salesforce AppExchange
Click Get it Now
Salesforce will ask where you want to install the app
Verify the terms and conditions
Click Install
Note: If you chose Sandbox for testing, you will need to repeat the process to re-install to production when finished.
Login to Salesforce
Choose who to install the app for
Admins only
All Users
Specific Profiles
Select Specific Profiles
Share with the users who also have access to Meltwater Engage
Salesforce Configuration for Engage
After downloading and installing the Engage app via the AppExchange, Salesforce requires configuration. Follow these steps to do so:
Named Credentials
In your Salesforce account, click the Settings icon in the top right-hand corner
Click Setup
In the left-hand navigation bar, click Settings
Select Security
Click Named Credentials
Click the New drop-down
Select New Legacy
Fill in the fields required for your New Named Credential
Label: Meltwater
Name: Meltwater
Identity Type: Named Principal
Authentication Protocol: Password Authentication
Username/Password: the username and password used to setup your Meltwater account
Generate Authorization Header and Allow Merge Fields in HTTP Header: Uncheked/false
Allow Merge Fields in HTTP Body: Checked/true
Click Save
Remote Site Settings
In your Salesforce account, click the Settings icon in the top right-hand corner
Click Setup
In the left-hand navigation bar, click Settings
Select Security
Click Remote Site Settings
Click New Remote Site
Fill in the fields required for your New Remote Site
Remote Site Name: Meltwater
Remote Site URL:
Disable Protocol Security: Unchecked/false
Active: Checked/true
Click Save
Custom Settings
In your Salesforce account, click the Settings icon in the top right-hand corner
Click Setup
In the left-hand navigation bar, click Platform Tools
Select Custom Code
Click Custom Settings
After you download the AppExchange, you will see an option called Meltwater App Settings
Click Manage
Select Edit
Fill in the required fields
Case Field*: mwengage_meltwaterconversationdata_c
Client Name: Meltwater-YourCompanyName
Enable Logging: Checked/true
*The case filed must be entered as shown i.e. all lower case
Click Save
Object Manager
In your Salesforce account, click the Settings icon in the top right-hand corner
Select Setup
Select Object Manager
Select Case
In the left-hand navigation, select Lightning Record pages
Select the Lightning Record Page you are using to manage your pages by clicking the label
Click Edit
The Lightning App Builder in Salesforce will open
Select the box where feed and details tab are present
This will open a menu on the right-hand side
Select Add Tab
Click the newly added tab, and set the label to Custom
For the Custom Label field, name the tab Meltwater
Click Done
Select the newly created tab
Navigate to the left-hand menu
Scroll to the Custom-Managed section
Drag the meltwaterApp component over to the Meltwater tab
Now that you have installed the Meltwater Engage app via the AppExchange and assigned access to the appropriate users, you may begin responding via Engage inside of your Salesforce environment.
💡 Tip
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