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Why Combined Search and How to Edit?

Understand why content searches were brought over as combined searches in Explore for Media Intelligence and how to edit these searches.

Whitney W. avatar
Written by Whitney W.
Updated this week

If you have been migrated from Content Search to Explore for Media Intelligence, you will notice that any search string that had ‘AND’ and ‘OR’ was brought over as a combined search in the new experience. In this article you will learn:

Why your search was brought over as a combined search

The old search functionality (content search) had embedded logic that would apply location selections OR individual news sources against search terms. So if you had a source selection for “Washington Post” and “Japan” in the old search - you would get editorial sources matching the search terms EITHER in the Washington Post OR in Japan.

In the new experience - Explore filters do not work that way. All filters are joined as “AND”. So in the example above you would get matching results for the “Washington Post” AND in Japan. This would result in zero results.

To ensure this does not happen is by automatically creating a custom category to represent the boolean or keyword search combined with filter sets automatically created. Resulting in one for the News Sources and one for the Location/Language filters. These are put in the Combined search ANY box. This way you get query + SOURCES OR LOCATION in the results.

How to edit a combined search

Now that you know why your searches were brought over as Combined Searches, let's learn how to edit the Combined Search. Steps outlined below:

First, you will need to locate the Custom Category:

  1. Locate the custom category chip within your search. It will look like the icon (triangle, square, circle) below.

2. To edit the custom category chip, click the 'Custom Category' filter drop down.

3. Scroll down to the Custom Category you want to edit and click the slanted arrow to its right.

4. Edit the boolean and click Save.

Now that the custom category has been updated we need to update the filter set.

  1. Filter set chips look like the below (note the filter icon).

2. To edit filter sets, click on the 'Filter Set' drop down, scroll down and click on the filter set you want to edit:

3. The filter bar will reflect the filters associated with that set. You can edit those filters by adding or removing filters (source type, language, location, keyword, sentiment, author). In the example below, location.

4. Once you have made your changes, resave the filter set by clicking on the Filter Set drop down, again, and clicking Save.

5. Finally, clear the filters in the filter bar and Update your results:

You must remember to clear the filters otherwise the filter set will apply to the WHOLE combined search and the results will not be the desired ones.

Note: Meltwater will soon add the ability to edit any of the above from the chips directly in a Combined search, to make management easier.

💡 Tip

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