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Meltwater Engage Asset Library

Learn how to access, and use the Meltwater Asset Library

Whitney W. avatar
Written by Whitney W.
Updated yesterday

The Meltwater Asset Library is a central place for storing, sharing, and managing your social media visual assets. The Asset Library is fully integrated into the Publish workflow, allowing the ability to add media directly to posts from the Asset Library!

Accessing the Asset Library

The Asset Library is an asset storage and management system, that allows you to store, organize, and share media files.

Access the Asset Library by clicking on the subheading underneath ‘Engage’ in the left-hand navigation bar.

Or via the Engage home page

Navigating the Asset Library

The Asset Library consists of a list view and gallery view.

List View

The list view is similar to other areas of Meltwater. This view shows a paginated list of items, up to 25 per page.

  • Each row represents a media file or folder.

  • Each row and asset type has an associated icon.

    • Folders - blue folder

    • Images - image thumbnail

    • Video - image thumbnail*

  • There are 5 columns per row

    • Name of file/folder

    • File Type

    • Tags

    • File Size

    • Last modified date and time

  • You can filter by tag.

    • Only assets can be tagged, not folders. Therefore no folders will appear in the results if the table is filtered by tags.

  • You can search the contents of the library by using the Find feature.

    • Find only search items within the current location/folder. It does not search inside folders unless you navigate inside the folder first

  • You can sort by column, by clicking on the title of the column, or by clicking the sort icon next to Find.

    • You cannot sort by Tag.

    • Folders always appear at the top of the list, regardless of sort.

Gallery View

The Gallery View option, features a tile display for easier viewing of images and folders. Allowing you to quickly find the right assets with larger images in the Asset Library.

The Asset Library features a button in the top-right had corner featuring four squares.

This button will switch the Asset Library view to Gallery, featuring tiles to represent both folders and assets.

When on, Gallery view is persistent inside folders as well.

Folders in the Asset Library

  • Folders can be used to group assets together.

  • No matter the sort applied, folders always appear at the top of the list view.

  • Users can create new folders from the top of the root folder of the asset library.

  • Folders cannot be created within folders (no nested folders).**

  • Folders can not be tagged, only the assets within them can be tagged.

  • An asset can only be added to one folder at a time.

  • Upon hover, the following actions are available for folders: Edit (i.e. Rename) and Delete.

  • Clicking a folder opens to show the assets inside.

  • During the Compose process in Publish, users will be able to view/search for these folders to find their needed assets.

Uploading to the Asset Library

Click the ‘add asset’ button to open the file uploader. This option is available on the Asset Library list page, as well as within each folder.

The file uploader will open with several options available.

The file uploader displays the ‘My Device’ tab by default. You can upload from your computer in three ways:

  • Using your system uploader

  • Drag and drop into the selector

  • Copy and paste into the selector

The file uploader offers several integration options which are shown as icons in the left-hand pane. Each requires you to log in and connect you account to:

  • Instagram

  • Facebook

  • Google Drive

  • Box

  • One Drive

  • Unsplash (free-use image search)

For security, each connection is single use, per user. Meaning, that if you connect an Instagram account, it will only appear for your user, for that session.

Bulk uploading is supported for up to 25 files at a time.

The file uploader accepts image, video, and gif files. Other file types will be rejected.

  • The file uploader has the following size limits:

    • Images - 5 MB

    • Videos - 2 GB

    • Gifs - 15 MB

You have 500 GB of storage within the Asset Library.

All files uploaded will be stored in AWS, with the same level of security as all other Meltwater storage.

Asset Library Actions

You can view or edit asset details by hovering over the list item and clicking on the pencil icon to launch the Manage Asset screen.

On the Manage Asset screen you will see a larger version of the asset.

The following info can be edited from the Manage Asset screen:

  • Name

  • Description

  • Folder

  • Tag(s)

  • Asset Details (modified date, uploader, file size, file format)

You can also delete or download files from the Manage Asset screen using the icons in the top right-hand corner.

  • Trash can - delete

  • Down arrow - download

  • X - exit

Other asset actions available upon hover:

  • Folder - Move (either into a folder or back into the main list view)

  • Tag - tag

  • Down arrow - download [down arrow icon]

  • Trash can - delete

Asset Library Bulk Actions

You can use the checkboxes to the left of list items (or the ‘select all’ checkbox) to bulk select items.

The following bulk actions are available for folders and individual files:

  • Delete

The following bulk actions are available for individual files only:

  • Download

  • Move (to a folder)

  • Tag

Asset Library in Publish

The Asset LIbrary has been integrated directly into the Media Uploader within the Publish content creation flow. The compose box in step 2 will look the same as before, however, now when a you clicks on the image, gif, or video icon the uploader will launch.

The media uploader will open, with several options available to the left, including the Asset Library.

Use the find bar and tag filter, as well as folder structure to select the appropriate asset(s) for the channel(s) you are publishing to.

💡 Tip

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