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Utilizing Pinterest and Twitch Monitoring in Your Explore Searches
Utilizing Pinterest and Twitch Monitoring in Your Explore Searches

How to use your Explore social media searches to monitor Pinterest and Twitch content.

Cheyenne V. avatar
Written by Cheyenne V.
Updated over a month ago

Pinterest and Twitch are additional data types available for Explore users and can be added to searches via the Explore source filter.

This article will cover:


Pinterest is an image sharing and social media service designed to enable saving and discovery of information on the internet using images and, on a smaller scale, animated GIFs and videos, in the form of pinboards.

Our monitoring of Pinterest is a sample set of all content posted or pinned by 1.5million Pinterest users (out of the 475m monthly active Pinterest users). Your monitoring keywords will be matched with text accompanying images such as the title and caption of the content and does not include any text within images or image recognition.

We also receive pins that don’t contain any text and are from users who've published content without commenting. These pins can only be found if searching for user attributes (handle, author, pin url) and won’t have linguistic enrichments (Sentiment, Entities, etc).


  • The content excludes any private posts or pins on private boards

  • 2 million posts or pins are collected each day

Example: Each Pinterest post in our app will represent a pin or re-pin (a user saved what another user already pinned). When a user opens the link to Pinterest, they will see the original pin and user. The user who saved the pin is the user we show in the app.

Within your content stream:

Within Pinterest:

Adding more profiles to be monitored: Requesting additional profiles to be monitored is included within the Extended Social Listening package. Please share these requests with your Meltwater Contact.


Twitch is a video live streaming service that focuses on video game live streaming, including broadcasts of esports competitions. In addition, it offers music broadcasts, creative content, and more recently, "in real life" streams.

Our monitoring of Twitch is content from a sample of active Twitch users, with clips/posts becoming searchable once the live stream is over and the clip is saved to a Twitch users page. Your monitoring keywords will be matched with the title and description of the saved stream.


  • The comments and live chat accompanying a stream is not searchable

  • Twitch videos do not always come with a written description (text or title). In these cases, we compute the title based on user name and publish time.

  • 200k streams are captured each day

  • Not all Twitch videos are publicly available and some require you to log in to Twitch to see them. These are still added to your search results based on the video description and title.

Adding more profiles to be monitored: Requesting additional profiles to be monitored is included within the Extended Social Listening package. Please share these requests with your Meltwater Contact.

Historical Data

Currently available content and monitored profiles in Explore go back to June 2021. If a new profile is added for Pinterest, we backfill the last 25 posts and for Twitch it is the last 100 posts.

Boolean Table

These boolean operators can help you to target your social media searches and can be used in conjugation with other boolean terms such as AND, OR & NOT. Learn more about The Complete Boolean Library.






Find every video from a specific user using username



author:[author name]

Find every video from a specific user using their full author name

author:"Sandy Kendrick"



Find posts from users with a high number of followers



Find posts with a certain number of views


Find videos with a certain number of reactions



Find videos with a certain number of shares



Find videos with a certain number of comments




Find all pin or videos from a specific user by user url


Find all pins with description in a specific language



externalId:[pin_id OR video_id]

Find a specific video or pin by ID



metaData.source.url:[”user profile URL”]

Find all videos from a specific user by user url



💡 Tip

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