Using your Owned Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn Data in Explore

Include posts and comments from your owned Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn accounts from Social Analytics in Explore searches.

Robert B. avatar
Written by Robert B.
Updated over a week ago

Welcome to your go-to guide on using Engage and Explore Searches to review your owned posts within search results and dashboards.

You'll be able to access your owned posts, comments for Facebook and LinkedIn, and your owned Instagram comments within your search results if you have both Meltwater Engage (Social Analytics) and Explore within your account.

By showcasing owned and earned data in a single search, you will be able to better understand the conversations happening around your brand and industry, and how your owned posts may be driving those conversations.

How is owned data displayed in search results?

Owned data in Explore and Search will display more information about each post, such as the users or pages name.

For example, in the screenshot below on the left you can see owned data in an Explore search, with both the page name (Section 31) and the user who commented (Mavis Avant). On the right-hand side you can see the same data, but in an account that does not have access to the owned data. Here you can only see "Post on Section 31" and "Comment on Section 31" rather than the page or users names.

How do these posts come into your search results?

As is the same for earned Facebook data in Explore and MI, if an owned parent post is pulled into a search via keywords, all the comments on that post will also be pulled into the search even if they do not match the keywords. This allows you to understand the full conversation happening.

Can I review earned content only?

To isolate all of your owned social posts, either to only include (AND) or exclude (NOT) them, use the following boolean string:

(Search Terms) AND/NOT metaData.provider.type:"socialconnections"

If you'd like to search for only the Facebook and Instagram posts you own, you can use the same boolean string and will need your Facebook Page ID. You can use this site to find a page's ID.

(Search Terms) AND url:"*"

To include Facebook Comments use the following boolean string (this example is for a Business Facebook page called Sailing World):

(Search Terms) AND author:Comment AND author:"Sailing World"

To isolate owned LinkedIn data, either to include or exclude it, you the following boolean string:”urn:li:organization:27106701”

For this boolean string, you will need their LinkedIn page ID. The LinkedIn page ID can be found in the admin URL for the page.

💡 Tip

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