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Adding an Incoming RSS Feed

Learn how to integrate third-party data to Meltwater through an Incoming RSS feed

Cheyenne V. avatar
Written by Cheyenne V.
Updated over a month ago

Third-party data can be added to Meltwater through an RSS Feed. RSS can be used as inputs to your Newsfeed, Newsletter, Digest Reports, most Widgets and the Inbox for web and mobile.

When looking for an RSS feed to be incorporated, websites or blogs often highlight if they have an RSS from their page with the following RSS icon.


This article will walk through:

You'll be able to tell if it opens to an RSS feed if the layout of the page is written in HTML coding.

Adding an Incoming RSS Feed.

  1. Select the Content drop-down on the left-hand navigation bar

  2. Select Incoming RSS Feed

  3. Select Add incoming RSS feed

  4. Input the Feed URL

  5. Select the checkbox next to I agree with the Terms and Conditions

  6. Click Next

  7. Give your feed a name. This name will be displayed in other areas of the platform and in any reports this feed is added to

  8. Select Save

Integrating Your RSS Into Other Features

Now that your RSS Feed is bringing content into your platform, you can include this data in multiple sections of your platform:

Saved Searches

To include your RSS feed data in your existing searches, follow these steps:

  1. Click Explore in the left-hand navigation bar

  2. Open a saved search

  3. Click the Source type drop-down

  4. Select the arrow next to RSS

  5. Select the RSS Feed(s) you want to add

  6. Select Search to update your results

  7. Click Save to save your updates

Note: You can also create a search for only an RSS Feed (not including other sources). Just select the checkbox next to RSS Feed and no other sources.

Digest Reports

When creating a new report or editing an existing one, follow these steps to add an RSS Feed:

  1. Select the Report drop-down in the left-hand navigation bar

  2. Select Digest reports

  3. Click Create Report or select an existing report

  4. Click Add source

  5. Select the RSS Feed(s) you would like to include

  6. Click Save


RSS Feed data can also feed into your Dashboards, so long as you have that RSS Feed added to a search. See above instructions to add an RSS Feed to a search.

Newsletters and Newsfeeds

Incorporating RSS Feed data into your Outputs is also available under the dropdown menu for inputs. If you have combined your RSS Feed data into your search folders, this will already be sending content to your Newsletter or Newsfeed.

Note: If you have combined your RSS Feed data into your search, this will be sharing the data through to your output without the need for the RSS Feed to be selected within Outputs.

💡 Tip

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