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Gaining Insights from the Google Analytics Widget

Learn how to combine Google Analytics and Meltwater to get insights on referral sessions from media results

Cheyenne V. avatar
Written by Cheyenne V.
Updated over a week ago

This article will cover:

Google Analytics Overview

The Google Analytics Widget will help you understand how your PR efforts are driving traffic to your company website.

The Google Analytics widget displays the page views and referred sessions to a selected website against the media exposure for a news or social search for up to 90 days. You can observe any correlations between the media exposure (for press releases, blog posts, social media campaigns, etc.) and the traffic leading to your website.

For example, running a social media campaign to increase traffic to the company blog can be measured by looking at social media exposure compared to an increase in page views.

Ultimately, this will show you the success of your campaigns in bringing traffic to your websites and may uncover interesting trends between brand exposure and web traffic.

Authenticating the Google Analytics Widget

Before adding the Google Analytics Widget to your dashboard, you must authenticate your Google Analytics credentials before obtaining any data from the widget itself.

  1. Select the Account drop-down on the left-hand navigation bar

  2. Select Third-party integrations

  3. Navigate to Google Analytics API

  4. Select Connect

  5. Select the Google Account that you have Analytics access to

  6. When asked to provide Meltwater with access to your Google Analytics, select Allow

  7. Once authenticated, your Google Analytics account will be displayed on the settings page like this:

  8. Now that Google Analytics is connected, select Analyze on the left-hand navigation bar

  9. Select Get Started

  10. Navigate to Classic Dashboard

  11. Click Create

  12. Select Add Widget in the top right-hand corner

  13. Select Google Analytics

  14. Click Add to Dashboard

  15. Select Google Analytics Source to choose one of your Google Analytics Properties. Learn more about Google Analytics Properties

  16. Select Inputs to choose one of your news monitoring searches.

  17. Select Save

Interpreting the Widget


The image above shows how the Google Analytics Widget is displayed in the max view. The gold line graph with the scale on the left side displays the media exposure, or the number of articles for your search.

The Referral Sessions representing the total linked sessions for the website you set under Property in the widget settings, are displayed as a bar graph. When you scroll down to view the articles beneath this graph, you can view the Referral Sessions based on specific documents in your content stream next to the reach numbers.

The darker portion of the bar graph, Earned Referral Sessions, represents the number of preferred sessions coming from articles in the search, tag, etc., that you set as the widget input.

You can add All Sessions using the widget settings, and they will be displayed as Other Sessions in the graph. The blue scale on the right is for the sessions and referral sessions. This is a count of all sessions (of any type) for the website other than the Referred or Earned Referral Sessions.

Note: When selecting a specific date on the chart, the list of articles will only show the articles that have earned referral sessions.


If no Google Analytics data appears even though you've authenticated, it may mean that you do not have access to your company's Google Analytics account. If this is the case, you will have to talk to your company's admin to be granted access. If you DO have access to your company's Google Analytics account and the above message is seen, please reach out to us via live chat, and we can help you get this set up.


Data & Security

Meltwater is bound to the Google Analytics Terms of Services. Specifically, section 5, which states:

  1. Confidentiality.

Neither party will use or disclose the other party's Confidential Information without the other's prior written consent except for the purpose of performing its obligations under this Agreement or if required by law, regulation or court order; in which case, the party being compelled to disclose Confidential Information will give the other party as much notice as is reasonably practicable prior to disclosing the Confidential Information.

Also, the Google Analytics widget does not store any of your traffic data. All GA data we visualize is provided directly from Google via their API.

💡 Tip

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