Radarly: Search, Sort and Show
Radarly: Search, Sort and Show
対応者:Jeslynn Soh

The search and filter bar

To navigate and structure your data in Radarly, you can use the search and filters bar.

The search and filters bar displays a preview of activated filters.

Live counter of the number of posts returned by the filters

Save a combination of filters

To save a combination of filters, you can use the dedicated menu (displayed on the left of the filters overview) or the 'save current filters'' function at the bottom of the panel.

The created filter combinations are stored at both the user and the workspace level:

  • At the user level: User A and User B work on the same workspace. User A has registered a combination of filters, User B does not see the filters registered by User A and vice versa

  • At the workspace level: User A is working on workspace 1 and has saved a combination of filters. User B goes to workspace 2 and he can not see the filters embedded in workspace 1

Note: At any time you can change your saved combinations using the dedicated menu. This menu is displayed to the left of the filter preview. With this menu, you can:

  • Change the name of the combinations

  • Edit the saved filters in the combination

  • Replace a combination of filters

  • Remove a combination of filters

To go further

In Radarly, it is possible to filter or exclude publications related to sales and promotions. This filter detects sales and promotions related posts and allows you to either exclude them from your analysis or show them only.
This filter is useful when you want to focus on the voice of the consumer, since it now allows you to exclude posts from resellers / retailers.
This is also useful for demonstrating the impact of your campaign based on consumer feedback and the reach of your message or for keeping track of a new product launch.


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