The follower map allows you to automatically analyze & qualify the followers of your Twitter account. It is available in the section “My accounts” of your workspace for the Twitter accounts with more than 300 followers.
This map gives you an overview of the centers of interest / topics of discussion of your followers. It also predicts their socio/demo attributes.
The topic modeling algorithm is applied (LDA) on your followers' timelines. The algorithm runs on the 200 latest posts of the top 50k followers (based on their own followers number). It excludes all private accounts.
The map displays the followers clustered by topic of discussion and organized in a hierarchical way. For example, all discussions about football are grouped in the same bubble which itself is inside the bubble about sports.
If a follower is involved in several discussions, he is represented several times on the map. The last level bubbles display related accounts ordered by influence: The closer an account is to the center, the more followers it has.
For performance reasons, the visualization is scaled down to 5k accounts. The accounts of this sample are automatically selected to keep the right proportions between topics.
The map is refreshed once a month and only the last version is available in Radarly.
It is possible to select a bubble of any level by clicking on it. Once a bubble is selected the left panel displays the following infos:
Number of accounts in the bubble
Age and gender distribution
Main topics of discussions inside the bubble
When a last level bubble is selected, it is possible to click on any of its accounts to see its attributes. Once selected, the following infos about the account are displayed:
Number of followers / Number of followings / Number of tweets / Number o likes
Main topics of interest
Reminder on how to add a Twitter account to the section “My accounts” of a workspace:
Plug your Twitter account to your Radarly project
Go to the “Social accounts” page of the settings of your project
Click on the + button in the top left corner
Select the “Add a Twitter account” option
Authorize the permissions asked by Radarly
2. Once your Twitter account appears in the “Social accounts” section of your project, you can add it to the “My accounts” section of any workspace of your project:
Go to the “Workspaces” section of the settings of your project
Select the workspace of your choice
Scroll to the “Social media accounts” section of the page
Click on the “Add social account” button
Select your Twitter account in the list
Save the modification applied to your workspace
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