カスタムカテゴリーは、より詳細なコンテンツ分析に使用することもできます。例えばCoca-Colaの場合、Diet ColaやCola Zeroなど、異なる製品群を比較するためにカスタムカテゴリーを使用できます。カスタムカテゴリーを使用すると、怒りや興奮など、さまざまな感情的な反応に基づいてコンテンツをセグメント別に表示することもできます。
("I want a" OR "we want a" OR "want to have a" OR "want to buy a" OR "I wish i had a" OR "I wish could have a" OR "I need a" OR "we need a" OR "I want an" OR "we want an" OR "want to have an" OR "want to buy an" OR "I wish i had an" OR "I wish could have an" OR "I need an" OR "we need an" OR "planning to buy" OR "saving up for" OR "buying this weekend" OR "going to get" OR "going to buy" OR "need to purchase" OR "need to buy" OR "looking to purchase" OR "looking to buy" OR "shopping for" OR buying OR "want to buy" OR "want to purchase" OR "going to purchase" OR "going to get" OR "shopping for" OR "going to mall" OR "going to store" OR "spending money" OR "plan on getting" OR "gonna get" OR "gonna buy" OR "want one" OR "want to buy" OR "want to get" OR "want to order" OR "need one" OR "need to get" OR "need to have")
("just purchased" OR "finished buying" OR "recently purchased" OR "just bought" OR "I bought" OR "I purchased" OR "I finished buying" OR "we bought" OR "we purchased" OR "we finished buying" OR "he bought" OR "he purchased" OR "he finished buying" OR "she bought" OR "she purchased" OR "she finished buying" OR "I always buy" OR "I always choose" OR "I always get" OR "I always go with" OR "love buying" OR "love getting" OR "never buy again" OR "never buying again" OR "never getting again" OR "never paying for" OR "not worth paying for" OR "will buy again" OR "worth buying" OR "worth getting" OR "worth paying for" OR "i have" OR "we have" OR "i use" OR "we use" OR "i used" OR "we used" OR "i'm using" OR "we're using")
("Customer Service" OR customerservice OR "cst service" OR cstservice OR "Sales Representative" OR "Customer Service Experience" OR "Service Experience" OR "customer experience" OR customerexperience OR "consumer experience" OR consumerexperience OR "customer experiences" OR "consumer experiences" OR "customer care" OR customercare)
("i think the" OR "i feel the" OR "i hate the" OR "i wish the" OR "i love the" OR "you think the" OR "you feel the" OR "you hate the" OR "you wish the" OR "you love the" OR "he think the" OR "he feel the" OR "he hate the" OR "he wish the" OR "he love the" OR "she think the" OR "she feel the" OR "she hate the" OR "she wish the" OR "she love the" OR "we think the" OR "we feel the" OR "we hate the" OR "we wish the" OR "we love the" OR "they think the" OR "they feel the" OR "they hate the" OR "they wish the" OR "they love the" OR "I believe the" OR "you believe" OR "he believes" OR "my belief" OR "she believes" OR "we believe" OR "they believe" OR "my opinion" OR "in our opinion" OR "their opinion" OR "our opinion" OR "her opinion" OR "his opinion" OR "I find that" or "you find that" or "he finds that" or "she finds that" or "one finds that" or "we find that" or "you find that" or " they find that")
("Who do I" OR "what do I" OR "where do I" OR "when do I" OR "why do I" OR "how do I" OR "Who do you" OR "what do you" OR "where do you" OR "when do you" OR "why do you" OR "how do you" OR "Who can I" OR "what can I" OR "where can I" OR "when can I" OR "why can I" OR "how can I" OR "Who can you" OR "what can you" OR "where can you" OR "when can you" OR "why can you" OR "how can you" OR "Who does" OR "what does" OR "where does" OR "when does" OR "why does" OR "how does" OR "Who do u" OR "what do u" OR "where do u" OR "when do u" OR "why do u" OR "how do u" OR "Who can u" OR "what can u" OR "where can u" OR "when can u" OR "why can u" OR "how can u" OR "Who dont I" OR "what dont I" OR "where dont I" OR "when dont I" OR "why dont I" OR "how dont I" OR "Who dont you" OR "what dont you" OR "where dont you" OR "when dont you" OR "why dont you" OR "how dont you" OR "Who cant I" OR "what cant I" OR "where cant I" OR "when cant I" OR "why cant I" OR "how cant I" OR "Who cant you" OR "what cant you" OR "where cant you" OR "when cant you" OR "why cant you" OR "how cant you" OR "Who doesnt" OR "what doesnt" OR "where doesnt" OR "when doesnt" OR "why doesnt" OR "how doesnt" OR "Who dont u" OR "what dont u" OR "where dont u" OR "when dont u" OR "why dont u" OR "how dont u" OR "Who cant u" OR "what cant u" OR "where cant u" OR "when cant u" OR "why cant u" OR "how cant u" OR "Who do we" OR "what do we" OR "where do we" OR "when do we" OR "why do we" OR "how do we" OR "Who can we" OR "what can we" OR "where can we" OR "when can we" OR "why can we" OR "how can we" OR "Who dont we" OR "what dont we" OR "where dont we" OR "when dont we" OR "why dont we" OR "how dont we" OR "Who cant we" OR "what cant we" OR "where cant we" OR "when cant we" OR "why cant we" OR "how cant we" OR "I'm looking for" OR "we're looking for")
さらに詳しく知りたいですか?チャットサポートでお問い合わせいただくか、 Customer Community(英語) をご覧ください。