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Radarly: Emotions
Radarly: Emotions
Écrit par Jeslynn Soh
Mis à jour il y a plus d’une semaine

How to filter by emotion in Radarly?

On the Posts & Analytics page, you can filter the posts depending on the emotions detected in the texts captured. From the bar search and filters, select the section Textual and thematic Analysis then the algorithm offers 7 types of emotions :

  1. Adorer

  2. Joy

  3. Surprise

  4. Peur

  5. Tristesse

  6. Dégoût

  7. Colère


By applying the Emotion filter, you will be able to obtain information about how people felt about a topic, product, or event.

Note :

The distribution of emotions can also be viewed on the Posts and Analytics page:

  • By setting a personalized view in the workspace settings (need to be an administrator)

  • By modifying a view of the "Posts & Analytics" page to display the distribution of emotions in the word cloud (click on the 3 dots at the top right of the graph, then click on "Keywords" and choose "Emotions" in the drop-down list)

Go further with the emotions detected in the images

This feature is also available for image recognition. From the search and filters bar > Visual web > Image Recognition, you can choose to display posts with images containing people who have been detected by our AI as happy or angry.


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