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Engage: How to use DALL-E, a ChatGPT Powered AI Image Generator

Create one-of-a kind, AI-generated images in Engage via the Media Uploader in Publish, Asset Library, & Conversations.

Cheyenne V. avatar
Written by Cheyenne V.
Updated over a month ago

Use DALL-E, a ChatGPT powered AI image generator via the media uploader in publish, asset library and conversations within Engage to create one-of-a-kind images!

What is it?

Powered by OpenAI’s GPT-3 technology, ‘DALL-E’, takes user-generated text prompts to instantly create unique images. DALL-E can be found via the media uploader in Publish, Asset LIbrary, & Conversations to create one-of-a-kind AI-generated images in Engage!

What's the value?

DALL-E can be an invaluable tool for you during the content creation process allowing you to do the following:

  • Create original posts that spark audience engagement - Original images, as opposed to stock ones, are more likely to drive audience engagement and positive brand associations.

  • Create compelling content at scale - Working as an extension of your team, the DALL-E image generator creates images in seconds and ultimately helps teams create compelling content at scale.

  • Save cost and speed up the creative process - Nearly 40 percent of Meltwater customers outsource content production due to limited resources and bandwidth. The DALL-E image generator helps teams save costs and speed up the creative process by keeping more of the required work in-house.

  • Unblock creative blockers and limitations - When facing a creative block, the DALL-E image generator provides needed inspiration. You no longer need to possess hard creative skills, like image design, to create unique and engaging images. By simply entering a prompt, anyone can create one-of-a-kind, engaging images.

How does it work?

DALL-E can be accessed via the Media Uploader in Publish, Asset Library, and Conversations.


  • In Publish, click the Add asset button in the compose window:

Asset Library

  • In Asset Library, click the add asset button via the library homepage or folder:


  • In conversations, click the Add button when adding a comment or reply, and then Add asset (only available for Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter):

After opening the Media Uploader, DALL-E is a new option in the left-hand source selector, indicated via the Open AI logo.

  • Click the DALL-E option to open the prompt box:

  • Enter a prompt (up to 400 characters) for the image you would like generated. It can be as specific or broad as you like. Then hit Generate images.

  • DALL-E will return a maximum of nine images that meet your prompt.

    Now, you can select the image(s) you wish to use via the check box in the top left of each image, or you can edit your original prompt via the box to the right, and select Regenerate images to get new results

DALL-E 3 Tips and Best Practices

  • Be Specific and Detailed: For optimal image quality, provide specific and detailed prompts. Include elements such as setting, objects, colors, mood, number of people, and any other specific details you desire in the image.

  • Atmosphere and Mood: Communicate the desired atmosphere or mood clearly. Utilize descriptive words such as "serene," "futuristic," "chaotic," or "mystical" to effectively guide the AI in capturing the intended tone.

  • Use Descriptive Adjectives: Use adjectives to enhance the description. Instead of using generic terms like "a cat," opt for specific descriptors such as "a fluffy, large, white cat" to provide a more vivid and detailed image.

  • Consider Perspective and Composition: Specify the desired perspective, whether it's a specific angle, wide shot, close-up, or bird’s-eye view. This guidance assists in accurately framing the scene and capturing it from the intended viewpoint.

  • Specify Time of Day and Lighting: Detail the lighting conditions to effectively set the mood of the image. Specify whether it's day or night, sunny or cloudy, and if there's a particular light source such as candlelight or neon lights. This information significantly influences the atmosphere captured in the image.

  • Incorporate Action or Movement: To create a dynamic image, incorporate actions or movements into the description. For example, rather than simply stating "a cow," provide a more engaging scene such as "a cow jumping over a fence." This adds movement and energy to the image, making it more dynamic and compelling.

  • Avoid Overloading the Prompt: Maintain a balance between detail and conciseness when providing instructions. While details are valuable, overwhelming the AI with too much information can lead to confusion. Aim for clarity by providing enough descriptive elements without overwhelming the prompt.

  • Use Analogies or Comparisons: Drawing parallels to well-known references can aid in conveying your desired image. For instance, you might suggest "in the style of Van Gogh" or "resembling a scene from a fantasy novel" to provide a clear direction for the AI.

  • Specify Desired Styles or Themes: Specify any particular artistic style or theme you have in mind. For instance, you might mention "cyberpunk," "art deco," or "minimalist" to guide the AI in creating the desired aesthetic for the image.

  • Iterative Approach: Don't be discouraged if the first attempt doesn't match your vision perfectly. Use the initial results to refine your prompt and try again. Iteration often leads to better outcomes, so keep refining until you achieve the desired image.

💡 Tip

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