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Radarly: How to add a new user
Radarly: How to add a new user
Verfasst von Jeslynn Soh
Vor über einer Woche aktualisiert

Rights and access


  • user can only access workspaces he is allowed to

  • user does not have access to the settings page

  • user cannot edit publications & influencers attributes (tagging ability)

  • user can create & edit alerts


  • user can only access workspace he is allowed to

  • user does not have access to the settings page

  • user can edit publications & influencers attributes (tagging ability)

  • user can create & edit alerts


  • user can only access workspace he is allowed to

  • user have access to the settings page

  • user can edit queries

  • user can manage workpaces access

Adding a user

Open the settings and select the user's tab.

Click on + to add a user:

Provide the information needed to create the new user:

1. E-mail address
2. Role for the user
3. Workspaces user will have access to. It is necessary to add the user to one or more workspace otherwise an error message will be displayed when the user attempts to view Radarly.

💡 Tipp

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